Chapter 5

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Niall turned to his other football players Zayn, Liam and Joe and whispered "I actually wonder where Louis and Marcel are because when I left this morning they wasn't up and they didn't call or text? I'm gonna text Georgia asking if she knows"

To:Georgia. From:Niall
Hey babe, do you know where Marcel and Louis are because they aren't at school? Ni xx

To:Niall From:Georgia
Hey babe,no I don't know where they are, I think they went to Louis' house to go to the beach or something. Oh just got a text from Marcel he is at Louis' house and will be there all day. Anyway are you coming round after school?xx

To:Georgia. From:Niall
Ok thanks babe and yeah I'm coming round later, movies yeah!;)xx

"Their at Louis house, and I can't go to Nandos tonight I'm with Georgia all night" Niall said with a wink even though he didn't need to tell them because they read the messages over his shoulder. "Why would Louis invite that nerd to his house? Maybe we should skip the rest of the day and go to Louis' and find out what's going on" Zayn whispered as Mr Williams walked passed. They all nodded and waited until the bell went, when it went they all ran out of class like they were being attacked. They all got into Niall's car and drove until they it to Louis house. "Well, let's see what they are up to" Joe said as they got out of the car.

*Back with Louis and Harry*
Harry and Louis fell asleep in each others arms, "WHAT!!" Zayn, Liam, Joe and Niall shouted waking them up. "You skipped school to come here and sleep with the nerd, what's wrong with you Lou?" Zayn said in shock,
"I new I heard something last night, why didn't you tell us make? And why did I hear you call him Harry?" Niall asked quietly.

"Well I thought that you'd all hate me if I told you, I thought our never talk to me again" As Louis said this a tee escape his eye, Harry saw this so he put his hand on Louis thigh to comfort him. "And Louis was calling me Harry because its my real name, we both had secrets we didn't want to tell. But my name isn't the only secret I have, I have many." Harry said worrying if they was goon to ask about them. But before anyone could say anything Louis butted in saying "Why don't we all go for a swim I'm my pool, then we can get to know each other better." Everyone agreed so they all made their way down to the pool, got down to their underwear and got in the pool.

Larry Stylinson (Marcel version of Harry)Where stories live. Discover now