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By the time the sun was beginning to rise, the girl was already walking, determined to find out where the smell of people was coming from. She had never smelled this many people at once before, and it made her curious. What was it like with all of those people living together?

The more morbidly curious part of her had worse thoughts.

"What do they eat? Do they eat each other? Are they like me?"

She continued on for a few hours, her strength beginning to fade when hunger grasped her stomach. Yes, she had eaten only a day ago, but her body wasn't used to this much movement. She had little to no muscle mass as a result of being chained to a wall for years presumably. Her concept of time was practically non-existent, as was her knowledge of the world in general. 

Finally, a pair of giant green gates came into view up ahead, a wide dirt roading leading the way into the village. The girl cautiously stepped out of the woods and onto the main road, raising a hand to her face to shield her eyes from the sun's rays. She approached the gates curiously, her eyes landing on a small wooden booth with two men inside, one sifting through papers while the other snored in his sleep.

Her footsteps were quiet, the man reading papers only realizing that she was there when she politely caught his attention by tapping on the top of the desk.

"Hello..." She said, her voice coming out as a little hoarse and quiet.

The man jumped, dropping the handful of papers he was sorting through. "O-oh, hey there kid... Where'd you come from?"

The girl bluntly pointed to the woods she had emerged from. "In there."

"No, I mean where are your parents?" He asked, giving the girl a confused look.

"Parents..." She repeated the word, testing it out. "No, I don't think I know what that is."

The man paused, his eyes bouncing from the papers he had dropped to the little girl standing barefoot right in front of him. With a sigh he elbowed the man sleeping next to him, making him wake up with a snort, almost falling off his chair.

"I'm up!" He screeched, raising his arms in a defensive way. 

"Alright sleeping beauty, go take this kid to the Hokage," The brown-haired man sighed. "Looks like she's lost."

"Why do I have to take care of some lost kid?" The black-haired man whined, stretching his arms over his head. "You do it."

"Because I'm actually doing paperwork and have been sleeping for the last two hours," He replied, smirking. "Oh, I know, how about I tell Lord Hokage about your sleeping habits while I'm there?"

"Point taken," He grumbled, standing up and walking out of the booth. "Come on kid."

The man offered his hand to the girl, yawning.

The girl eyed his hand warily before deciding to place her small palm in his. He didn't seem like a particularly bad person, but if he was bad, she'd just bite him. Two birds with one stone, he wouldn't bother her and she wouldn't be hungry anymore.

The man and the girl walked in silence for a while, the girl curiously taking in the sights around her. People bustled through the streets, people rushing in and out of shops going about their business. There seemed to be people selling food as well, however, she turned her nose up at them.

"By the way, I'm Kotetsu," The man said, giving her a small smile. "What about you?"

"Ah," She replied, taking a moment to think. "I don't think I have one of those."

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