Hisoka Morow : Intruder

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I rushed the ending, this has been sitting in my drafts forever, we all love the psychopath

You had finally returned from work, glad to have the weekend to yourself. Letting yourself inside your flat and tossing the key into your bag, you dropped it to the ground to remain forlorn and forgotten until Monday morning.
But already, something was... Weird. You couldn't quite put your finger on it, but something felt different about your home. A heavy, uneasy feeling washed over your insides, eyes scanning the hallway for telltale signs of a break in or intruder, of which there were zero.
Sighing, you amounted it to exhaustion and continued to decompress. You slipped out of your shoes, kicking them to the skirting board before wrestling with your jacket buttons as you walked. Office work was so tedious, it bored you. You needed something new and fun.
The fixtures were half off by the time you got into the kitchen, and the jacket had been slid off your arms once you made it to the fridge. Reaching for the fridge handle, you stalled, the atmosphere continuing to bug you. Trying to concentrate your senses on detecting signs of life, a soft call of your name alerted you to the window, bolted shut. Bunching the business garment in your hand, you frowned as you peered through the glass panes, confident there was nothing wrong and you were just anxious or something. Spinning round with a shake of your head, you rolled your eyes before bumping into something.
"Fuck," you breathed abruptly, holding your hand over your heart to catch your breath whilst your eyes adjusted. There was nothing there in front of you, but you knew exactly who was there, up to his old tricks again.
Suddenly, there was a cool, gentle blow to the shell of your ear, knocking you off centre for a moment. Spinning, you were honestly not expecting to see him so soon and yet you managed to utter a single word through your fright, riding out your hammering lungs. "Creep."
"My my, aren't you polite?"
The clown took a moment to take in your huge eyes glaring up at him, tilting his head in his shameless staring at your laboured breaths heaving your chest up and down.
Sighing with your bottom lip bitten, there was a hum of acknowledgement from you, telling him that you didn't care. Dragging your stockings down your legs, you scrunched them up and threw them in the washer, avoiding his golden gaze at all costs. Of course, those eyes of his followed every single movement you made, despite you acting completely blind to him. He continued to lap up your body from the doorway when you stormed into your bedroom across the way. You shimmied out of your skirt, leaving it to pool at your feet whilst unbuttoning your dirty shirt.
Hisoka was seriously enjoying your aggressive behaviour, the violent flicks and throwing of your clothes around the room. Snickering, his tall body leaning against the door frame was beginning to piss you off more; everytime you caught it in the corner of your eye. It's like he couldn't tell how you felt!
However, finally undressed, the uniform was thrown into the washing basket, leaving you in your underwear for him to lewdly gawp at as you searched for some pyjamas. Hisoka was totally brazen in his leering, groaning audibly as knots tied in his gut, merely tingling his nether region.
All you had done was bend over your bed to grab the t shirt from the night prior, cheeks smiling at him, when there was a long draw of breath all of a sudden. You weren't sure how he did it, but he could be beside you within seconds as if he teleported, hands all over you since he couldn't keep them to himself. You sighed, letting his palms knead at your hips and thighs as you pulled the oversized garment over your head.
"Have you had a difficult day, Dear?"
The jester's voice was sickly sweet against your ear, volume never creeping above a low, deep volume. He was elbowed away when his hand attempted to dip downwards, grin penetrating your tired mind.
"Move, Hisoka."
Chuckling, he tried again, desperately seeking to push your buttons. His arms went right around your waist this time, pulling you close.
"Let me help you-"
"Fun's over," you snapped, unravelling his strong arms despite him definitely being able to win you over physically.
Rolling his golden eyes through a hitched groan, there was a sudden flare of rage vibrating through your skin and onto his, causing his breath to catch in his throat. You were so much more powerful than you knew. You didn't know this, but you were born as a natural nen user. As it stood, it seemed that you could sense it but not see it. That was why Hisoka kept you around... Or why he kept himself around you, at least. He wanted to watch you grow and develop your talent, once you found out.
There was also the attention you gave him of course, but that wasn't his main reason.

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