Chapter Ten - Awoken

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Chapter Ten - Awoken - Kai

Flashes of red and white, a thumping in my head as my eyes burst open. 

Above me the sky was a vivid shade of blue, wispy clouds floated aimlessly by; the sounds of birds echoed around us; straight away I jumped up, trying to realize my surroundings. We were still on the hill, and the mine was dilapidated; burned to a crisp, rusty and covered in cobwebs. I looked around, standing up and stretching as a voice shot out from behind a shed; it was Amanda's...
"I'm coming!" My legs ran towards the sounds, she had woken up behind a shed with Nathan's heavy body on top of her, they must've been dropped that way; I helped pull Nathan off of her, and then he woke up.

"What happened?" Amanda spoke, both of them no more disorientated than I was. 
"I... I don't know." We walked to the edge of the cliff, the hill overlooked all of Byholt; across the lake to the left the bridge was still broken, collapsed pieces scattered throughout the foggy mist which had settled. And to the right the main chasm was blocked by a large landslide, the only other way out of the town. Houses looked more modern, we had definitely been placed back in the original time. 
"I knew they were shifty..." Nathan spoke abruptly. "...bloody coal mine caught fire back in the sixties, they left this heap up here for the scrappers."

"Dante what do we do now?" Amanda broke down, I was just as tired and confused as she was. 
"We should head North, to Gormanston." Nathan spoke sternly, Gormanston was another hamlet on the way out of Queenstown, it'd be hard to reach considering the hills and mountainous land we'd have to cross.
"What about my brother?" I asked, watching for any movement in the bushes. 
"You said it yourself... he's sick. Leave him to die Dante." Nathan bent down and tied up his blood-stained sneakers.
"We can't do that, he was getting better." He gave a growl before standing up. 
"He killed your parents." Nathan spat the words at me, Amanda tried to mediate. 
"I know he did, but something triggered that and I have to find out what." 
"He was sick in the head Dante, we all knew that." My blood boiled. 
"Calm down guys..." Amanda started but I was already tense enough. 
"How can you say that Nathan, I've lost everything!" I yelled at him. 
"Yeah, well now it looks like I have too!" He yelled back. 
"For fuck's sake, stop!" We subdued as Amanda sighed. 

"Do whatever the fuck you want, but I'm leaving, I just can't handle any more of this." Nathan's face was coarser, he looked older now, is this what Byholt had done to us? He started walking off to the North and through the treeline.
"Fine then... go! I'll find my own way to him." Amanda stood between us silently as I went the opposite direction, hopefully I would find him back at the Asylum. I turned around for a split second, watching as Amanda struggled to make a decision, she took one step towards me. Her wispy blonde hair blowing lightly in the breeze, her face smudged, aged and dirty; all her clothes torn and bloody, a shade of confusion settled over her. My throat went dry as she mouthed the word sorry and turned back, following Nathan. They disappeared from view, no longer could I see them. With a heavy sigh, I continued walking down into Byholt; the summer wind trying to turn me back up the hill, but I would not be tricked into leaving this hell. 

The path winded back down the mountain, it lead down into the town's main street. Everything looked just as foggy and dilapidated as when I had arrived. I wish I could tell what day it was, what the time was, this town had a way of confusing you. It wasn't always like this, as a kid it was just your average, normal town. It never got this bad, but I had questioned the other beings; these ghosts and monsters and spirits, before I had come back here you heard stories about people leaving Byholt, the murders, the things that happened after my parents died. But lately it has felt like I caused all this, it's my fault the town is this way, that I should never have came back to Byholt; I caused this evil and I had to end it. 

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