Chapter 2 Part 6: Lasers at the Hunt

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I froze up. I felt my heart drop. My face became cold, as if my life had been sucked out of it. I didn't know whether to scream or not.

I walked out of the room. I felt woozy. I looked around at the few people their. They didn't seem to notice me. Suddenly, everything went black.

I opened my eyes. I saw everyone looking down at me. I sat up, looking around at everyone. 

"What... what happened?" I asked. They looked at each other and then back at me.
"You passed out after you walked out of the Laser Tags auditorium... where we found Aiko..." Tomio said. Oh yeah... Aiko's dead... I thought. Honestly, I was hoping that was all just a bad dream.
"A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time has passed, the class trial will begin!" Monokuma said when the TV came on. Suddenly, he appeared before us. "Here you go! Your second Monokuma file! Isn't this exiting?" He handed each of us a file. "Good luck with your investigation!" He disappeared.
"So... Aiko is dead?" Ena said, walking up to all of us.
"Yeah... hey wait, why aren't you in the laser tag arena? You lost, remember!" Hana replied.
"Oh shut up, I can leave now cuz she's dead. Everyone else can as well." Ena responded.
"Okay, everyone, calm down, let's just get the evidence and finish this trial already." Katon told everyone. Suddenly, something came to mind.
"ITSUKI!!!" I yelled, jumping up. "I KNOW WHERE YOUR PILLS ARE!!!"
"Wait, what!? You do!?" Itsuki said. I nodded, and ran into the room with Aiko's dead body.
"W... what?" I thought aloud. Everyone came in. "They were... right here..." I walked up to her body, and then started freaking out. "THE PILLS WERE RIGHT HERE!!! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?!? DID SOMEONE TAKE THEM!?!?!"
"Are you sure the pills were even in here? It might have just been some wishful thinking, and saw the pill bottle there when it wasn't." Asahi replied.
"You did it..." I said.
"Wait, calm down! You're just blaming me! There isn't any proof! We haven't even done anything!" He replied. I jumped at him. Someone grabbed me by each arm.
"Calm down Takahashi! He didn't do anything!" Katon said. He must have been the one holding me back.
"I KNOW HE DID IT!!!" I yelled, still trying to fight back to get to Asahi. Asahi fell backwards. He seemed scared.
"I think I like this side of Takahashi more!" Ena replied. I fell face first to the ground.
"I know you did it..." I said, my words being muffled by my face on the floor.
"But I didn't do anything!" Asahi responded.
"I'm starting to think Takahashi is the murderer." Hana said.
"What!? Why!?" I replied. I sat up faster then I ever had before, and glared at Hana.
"Well... I mean... you're accusing Asahi without any evidence." Hana explained. Katon was about to speak. "Don't. Say. Anything." He didn't reply.
"But.. there isn't any proof!" I replied.
"Exactly." Hana said. I realized why they were suspicious of me after that.
"Sorry Asahi... but it's just a hunch..." I responded.
"Okay, that's fine. I think we should get to investigating." Asahi explained.
"Hey, I think I saw the pills as well." Wakusei claimed out of nowhere. Every looked at him. I was sort of annoyed. "I- I'm sorry!!! I didn't know if I was hallucinating as well!"
"It may be Wakusei because of what he said..." Ena replied.
"I- I'm sorry!!! I didn't know!" Wakusei started to panic. "C- can we just investigate already!"
"Yeah..." Hana said. We all split up.

I walked up to Aiko's body. There was a feather, and a red laser tag vest. The laser tag gun was covered with blood. And what was supposed to be next to it, was the pills. I knew for a fact they had been there. Or maybe it was was Asahi told me it was. Just some wishful thinking.

Probably not. He probably stole them. Though, I don't know how. He'd have to be sneaky, and really quick. So maybe he didn't steal it? I put it all down as evidence.

I looked down at the bloody laser tag gun. It was red. That probably meant they were murdered by a red team mate. I wrote it down. More evidence that it's Asahi... I thought.

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