18 l Confession

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A/N : Soooo it's finally hereee. I know some of you have been waiting for this! And it's finally here! I will say that this chapter is quite long. Like REALLY long (like 2.200 or more words), So Buckle up!:))

I also don't know if the reveal part is satisfactory or good enough (sry if it's not). But, I will say I had a lot of fun while writing this chapter.

Also, just a heads up, I will always refer to Yuki as "He" as long as it hasn't been revealed yet that he's a GIRL to the brothers. So, Yuki is definitely a girl and I'm only refering her as a "He" because it's easier.

Special shout out to Louisanna2 for the idea of the reveal part. Thank You for the comments and support!

Ok, enough of me chitchatting, I hope you enjoy this chapter ❣️



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I smiled at them, "I have a confession to make."

... 🐤

For a few moments it was completely silent. Until Kaname opened his mouth, "What Confession, Yuki-kun? Are you going to confess you're undying love to someone in this room?"

There was a pause, before he added "Me, for example?"

I saw Ema bit her lips to hold back a laugh. I on the other hand didn't find it as amusing as it is to her.

Rolling my eyes, as a thought comes to mind. I smirked internally and flashed a fake sweet smile to him, "Yeah, you're totally right! How did you know?" I pretend to look happy and relieved.

"Well, in that case this should be a lot easier than expected" As I stood up from my seat and walked to Kaname.

I neared where he was sitting, face shows that he was definitely not expecting me to react that way. He probably expect me to deny him, whether it was by shouting back at him or to simply brush him off.

But of course, my inner mischief couldn't hold back itself and decided to mess with him for a little bit.

Yet again! I'm gonna regret this later, aren't I? I thought to myself tiredly. Oh well, too late now.

I stood over him, looking down and making eye contact. And without any warning I closed the gap between us, making my face only a few centimeters away from his.

His eyes were wide as his mouth was slightly open, unsure what to do. I could feel the tension in the room came back as everyone was watching the scene infront of them unfold.

"Since you already know my feelings, then..." I spoke trailing off.

I lift my hand to his cheeks with my thumb gently gliding across it.

𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 ●️ BroCon Fanfiction【 Hiatus 】Where stories live. Discover now