Part 1

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Everyone please welcome our new student..Tamaki Toko!

Tamaki gets up and walks in front of the class.


The blonde hair boy was nervous of course an all boys school?! He already got bullied a lot in normal school, but in a all boy school he was sure to get bullied!

The teacher cleared his throat as a sign for Tamaki to talk more so it wouldn't be awkward
The blonde boy noticed and starting talking
"U-um I enjoy art a-and photography"

Suddenly someone laughed
Tamaki looked to see who it was but know one looked like they were laughing

The blonde hair boy realized it was all in his head
"Thank you Mr. Toko you may sit back down now"

Tamaki sits and class is nearly over. Then someone approaches him....

"Hi I'm Toono!"

(Huh?) (H-how do I respond?!)
(He just said hello and his name it can be fucking hard to say hi back?!)

Tamkai was sweating but not a lot
"Hi!" He finally said back

Toono talked to the blonde boy till the bell rang

"Hey what's your next class?" The brown hair boy asked.


".......!" Toono stoped in his tracts


"Are you serious!"
Toono was scared to show the new boy that club...for obvious reasons..

"Yeah- like I said I like photography so I joined"

(Oh God....)

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