"Ahhhhhhhh do yo shit sus" Leah yelled while We was twerking on live as my views kept going up .😗
Use yo imagination please and thank you🤪-author out this bitch
"Ight bitch I'm tired" I told Leah as we sat down and start reading the comments.
Random: pidd y'all did y'all shit😝
"Pidd thank you"
Random: damn lil mama😏
Coldbloodedcoochiekilla: do that shit on me😉
"Boy bye"
Kyro.57: leah Imma smack the taste out yo mouth keep playing
"Ok I'm sorry yk wat Lemme sit tf down cause I love living " Leah said
Thatnigga.jalen :sit tf down y'all stank🤢
"Stfu jalen bro"
King.dadon :I'm beating yo ass when I catch uu Ong 😈
"WELP GOTTA BLAST"💨🏃🏾♀️ I said before ending the live.
"Incoming call from scam likely kissy face ,heart emoji" Siri ugly ass said I was hesitant at first but I just answered it.
"Why tf uu on live showing out like I won't break yo fucking jaw Maia" king said "boy I do what I want tf I'm grown asl" I said "bet that up" king said .
I hung up and sat my phone down until my phone dinged indicating that I got a text.
Scam likely 😘❤️:I'm On my way! Scam likely 😘❤️:tf omw*
Once I seen that I instantly went and hid in the closet cause I'm already knowing he finna dtm .
"Girl wtf is uu doing he still gone find uu" Leah said "sthu" I said .
Minutes later I heard banging on the door and I started putting clothes over me so I can hide better.
Leah went downstairs to open the door.
"Where tf she at" I heard king say.
"She not here she left when uu said uu was coming" Leah said
"You dumb asf her car in the driveway" king said (WELL AT LEAST SHE TRIED MF) I heard foot steps coming up the stairs than I heard my door open and than the closet door open.
I close my eyes idk why it's a habit my ass be thinking imma disappear or some shit i don't fucking kno.
I thought he was walking back out until I felt I was being lifted up in the air
"Put me tf down" I said he put me down I thought my lil ass what out ah there until he pulled me back and wrapped his hand around my neck .
"Stop fucking playing with me like I won't beat tf out of you" king whispered in my ear lowly I felt a lil ✨TINgle✨in my toes .
Than he let me go so I start punching the air cause why would he do that got my coochie throbbing and shii
His ugly mr.clean looking ass gone walked off smirking going downstairs to sit on the couch
I had to change my underwear cause them lil mfs was soaked
I went downstairs and sat next to king a whispered in his ear "I'm telling my momma you tried to touch my no no square" his ass start laughing and I'm dead ass serious.
"Wtf y'all was doing up there bestie" jalen said "for the 50th time THATS NOT YOUR FUCKING BESTFRIEND" Leah said
"Yes tf she is bitch you tryna fight about it" jalen said
I just was laughing cause they ass some clowns
"Y'all tryna watch a movie?" Kyro said
"Yea" we all said
"Ight cmere Leah" kyro said she instantly got up and sat next to him
"When tf this happen" jalen said pointing between them two
"Ain't nun happen we just vibing stfu" kyro said
"Ok ddtm lil ugly Stuart little looking bitch" jalen said we all busting out laughing
"Can y'all stfuuuuuuuu" king said ig he was irritated 😭
"Bitch uu can't get mad cause Maia won't let you touch her no no square nigga stfu" jalen said we all start laughing
Ight y'all frl c'mon we watching "set it off" kyro said
"Ight bet" we all said
So we all started watching the movie and I found myself getting sleepy I just let sleep take over 5 seconds later I was knocked out.
I just gotta say Ts but Idk why y'all other authors be scared to say coochie y'all ass be saying shit like "pearl" or "treasure " or "box" mf its ✨COOCHIE✨start saying it right 😁
Excuse all my mistakes this was rushed I hope y'all like this chapter cause I won't be updating in a while cause I got school so yea I love y'all ugly asses~author out🤪
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