New beginings

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Solar shot up in my bed, cold beads of sweat rolling down his forehead, contrasted with the feeling of hot tears pricking his  eyes. Quickly wiping his forehead with the sleeve of his shirt and drying his eyes with circling motions of his fists he tried and regulate his breathing, as his chest slowly starting rising and falling at a normal, none concerning rate he slipped out of his blanket, creeping over to an open window to look out onto the vast land that surrounded the house he called home.

This routine had become muscle memory for the past 1 ½ years because of the same nightmare he would be forced to become accustomed to since 9, the same trauma relapsing dream from a time he wished, pleaded to forget. He'd been given a therapist for these nightly occurrences but all they suggested was a memory warping spell, something the ministry basically used all the time for trauma that leaves a witch or wizard with mental trauma. And to their credit it DID work! For about a year and then, on the anniversary of that day I was awakened by a frame by frame playback of the traumatic event.

After that solar had told himself that instead of continuing the memory warping spell he would instead focus on trying to become used to the dream enough to not be woken up to it every night, but sadly he hadn't gone through with that plan yet.

But today was different.
Today he would be moving away for the year, spending his days at a castle old enough to be considered a artefact by itself. He would be attending the British school for witch craft and wizardry, hogwarts.

"Sol please hurry up your sister is basically bouncing around in excitement waiting for you to be ready" solar turned half way around, looking back at his father, a tall man with blonde hair platinum enough to rival the malfoys.

"Okay Father just give me a minute, let me get my-"

"bags packed?"

Now fully turned around he saw his suitcases floating mid air, being held by the spell used from his fathers wand. The bags looked packed which didn't surprise him, even if his father was slightly..... interesting some may say, he was still a father and was a good one at that. Knowing Solar would forget to pack his bags he had packed them the night before, as the boy was lulled to sleep.

The short boy smiled embarrassed at his forgetfulness, his ears turning a light red shade, "ah... sorry I forget" his father simply smiled and glided the boys suitcases down the stairs, "no worries my star, now get dressed so we can get going" solar hummed at the task given and as the door to his room shut he rushed over to his wardrobe and looked through it for clothes to wear.

•~• •~• •~•

People rushed up and around the station, either getting up and on their train or waiting for theirs to arrive. The sight was interesting to Solar, having only been homeschooled since the beginning of primary. He was perplexed at how everyone just... worked around everyone, hopefully he would learn the same skills in school.

Luna, or more affectionately nicknamed lun by both him and his father, was practically bouncing from the excitement of a new school year, she was always like this, being the baby of the family but three minutes and twenty seconds she was cherished and loved by all around her, including Solar who stood close by, making sure he nor her got lost in the sea of muggle people. "Sol the platform in just up ahead" he looked up from his cart, to platform nine and ten, confusion filled his face as he looked at his ticket then the platform.

"Uhm papa it says-"

"you think they'd have the platform for none muggle school in the muggle station?"

He was stopped in my words with the realisation of his words, that was right, they were magic .... So why would the platform not be magically concealed itself? "Now look down there, the wall ahead it the way to the platform" just as he looked up he saw a family of all gingers run into the wall and just as they were about to hit the red brick they simply disappeared into the wall, with them was a brown haired scrawny boy who looked too confused for his own good. As he too disappeared, Solar noted to introduce himself to the boy at a later time.

As they approached the wall the nerves his body started to make his hands shake, noticing the boys change his father put a reassuring hand on his shoulder "solar how about I take go first to show you how it's done?" He nodded, still a bit nervous at the idea that they might just make a fool of ourselves if we mistake the wall and place.

Before solar have time to think his father sprints at the wall and just as he makes contact his body floods into the wall, disappearing fully, this, even though it shouldn't seeing as he's a born and raised wizard, shocked him quite a bit but it was over quickly as luna  pulled his sleeve saying a happy "I'll go next!" And before having the reaction to stop her, she ran and disappeared and out of view as well!

'Well I guess it's my turn'

The little monologue voice echo'ed his my mind as he took a deep breath in and ran keeping his eye on a brick in my sight. making contact with the wall solar slide right through, making a clean entrance to the other side of the wall as he let out a breath I didn't know I was holding until then.

"See you've made it nice and safe!" Solar gave a strong and stern smack to the back as Solar stumbled a bit at the force, chuckling and nodding at his past concerns. A small chirp was heard from his fathers arms, so out of curiosity Solar looked at his father, and when making eye contact he was met with the sight of his long haired gray cat, moon.

"You let me bring her!" He cheered carefully taking the cat in his arms, moon, or affectionately nicknamed meowmers was his cat gifted to him by his mother for his 4rth birthday, she was a kitten and immediately attached herself to Solar. The name moon was picked because of this fact, his mother would say "you are what she revolves around all day" solar looked back this memory's and always smiled fondly.

"Well you lot must hurry before you become late" their father rushed the two children to the compartment doors of the very old looking trains. Luna, after a quick hug and cheek kiss, skipped happily into the train, knowing she'd have close friends from wizard homeschool school... confusing yes but to much to explain at the time. "By papa I'll write to you as often as I can" solar hugged his father tight, meowmers sat silently watching, licking her paws waiting for Solar to finish.

The screech of a horn sounded, signaling Solar to hop on the train as it was close to departure. He knew he would probably be alone the whole day by train ride, but as he scanned for an empty compartment he seemingly couldn't find one.

"Well I'll have to compromise for at least a group of three or less" he spoke to no one in particular, possibly meowmers but he didn't really think to much on it. Scanning for a compartment with three or less people was easy enough, seeing as the first one he saw was of that description. In the boxed area was a blond, and two brunettes.

With a quick sigh of relief Solar knocked on the door, making the three boys make eye contact with him. The blonde one stood up and walked up to the door, opening it.


"I was wondering if I could sit with you... the rest of the train is full and-"

"Sure, come in"

The boy didn't sound enthused by his words but motioned for Solar to sit, which after slight hesitation he sat, holding meowmers tightly in his arms, the cat purring sensing the boy's discomfort.

"So.... What house do you believe you'll be in?" The question seemed to amuse the three boys, especially the blond as he let out a loud laugh.

"Me and those two are pure bloods we will obviously be put into slytherin! What about you?"

Solar sat for a second to think of the question before answering. "I think either Ravenclaw or slytherin, my mother was a slytherin and my father was a Ravenclaw so I would assume those two," the blonde nodded, the other two boys not even paying attention. Realising something, Solar's eyes widened and looked at the blonde, "I don't think we introduced ourselves, my name is Solar lovegood, you are?"

"I'm draco, Draco Malfoy, and those two over there are Vincent crabbe and Gregory goyle."

He nodded in acknowledgement before feeling himself slowly become more and more drowsy. Blonde boy- or draco as he was just introduced as seemed to not notice, instead interested by the conversation the two others were engaged in.

Solar took this as a sign to get some sleep before he was made to stay up for a late night feast as his father mentioned one too many times.

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