asking you out

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Izuku Midoryia:

you sat in your normal seat behind Midoryia you noticed he seemed a bit off today he was very quiet where normal you guys would chat you shrugged it off thinking maybe he just didn't get enough sleep. after class you packed your stuff and left with Kirishima after you left todoroki went up to midoryia and said "why don't you just tell her straight up" Midoryia looked at him nervous at the thought "its not that easy Todoroki" Todoroki shrugged and walked away. Izuku went to his dorm and tried to study 20 minutes passed by and he had got nothing written down due to the fact of all he could think about was how badly he wanted to confess to you. he closed his notebook and left his dorm on the search for a certain (h/c) girl he thought of the places she normal was 'after class she usually goes toooooo..... hang out with Mina!!' he found Mina in the common room sitting with Sero and Kaminari. midoryia walked up to them shyly "h-hey Ashido have you seen y/n?" she shook her head and said "no she went to hang out with Kirishima At the cafe around the corner i think" Midoryia nodded said thanks then left he went to the cafe and saw Kirishima there but he wasn't with y/n he was with Amajiki he walked up to them and said "hey sorry to bother you guys but Mina said that y/n was with you guys do you guys know where she is?" kirishima nodded and said "yeah she's at the training field she'll be there till about 7" midoryia smiled and said thank you he ran as fast as he could to the training field he saw you and started walking up to you but then he saw an explosion and heard "IS THAT THE BEST YOU GOT DUMBASS" he got confused "i thought she hated kacchan everytime i see them their always arguing" the blast had hit you sending you back a bit "alright you win this one i'm tired" Midoryia sighed "their probably dating" he watched as Bakugo hugged you then he left you grabbed your bag and water bottle and started to leave the field when you saw a familiar green haired boy sneaking away you slowly walked up and tapped his shoulder he flinched "woah calm down it's just me midoryia" he looked said "o-oh hey y/n" you looked at him worried and said "what happened" he looked down nervously "u-um well there this girl and i really like her but i saw her with a guy i thought she hated and they seemed close" you stood there confused normally you could think fast but you had just trained for 3 hours and you were tired "why don't you just say hey i like you to the girl" he looked up from the ground lightly blushing "hey i like you" you smiled and said "great now say it to the girl" he sighed and smiled "hey i like you" you looked at him confused still then realized "wait i'm the girl?" he blushed and nodded "i like you too midoryia" "izuku" you looked confused again "hm?" "call me Izuku and would you be my girlfriend?" you smiled and said "i would love to midor- Izuku.... WAIT who's the boy?" he looked down shyly "umm well Its Kacchan" you started laughing "what's so funny y/n" you kept laughing "izuku he's my brother" his eyes widened "i'm sorry what? kacchan has a sister" you nodded your head "i'm his adopted sister but i never changed my last name" he just stood there in shock

Katsuki Bakugo:

"so you going to admit Bakubro" Kirishima said throwing a punch at Bakugo "admit what shitty hair" Bakugo questioned as they continued battling "admit you like y/n" Bakugo let out his normal 'tch' and said "why would i like a Dumbass like her" kirishima fell back due to Bakugo's hit "heh because she's everything YOU would want in a girl she's sarcastic, funny, packs a great punch, not to mention she gets along with everyone" Bakugo turned around and thought to himself about how all those things kiri said about you were true you were strong and you always stood up to him in class he would always act mad but always thought it was cute and he had to admit you were great with sarcasm "we better head back to the dorms before curfew shitty hair" the went to walk into the dorm building when they heard a familiar voice "hey boy's wait up" they turned around to see y/n all sweaty covered in dirty Bakugo and Kirishima gave her a confused look "hey dumbass what the hell happened to you?" Bakugo said as y/n walked up to them kirishima looked concerned "yeah what did happen to you" she giggled and said "training with my dad again he threw me around a bit" kiri thought to himself 'wait a minute y/n was talking to Mina about what time she as gonna get back from training is that why Bakugo wanted to stop training early?' Bakugo laughed a bit and said to y/n "you let the old man throw you around Aizawa?" she gave him a dirty look and said "what part of call me y/n do you not understand there's already one Aizawa i don't want another" kiri laughed and said "well i'm gonna go get cleaned Bakubro was so manly today he threw some hard punches night guys" as he left he pulled out his phone and texted bakugo 'ask her out you obviously like her don't argue on it Bakubro' Bakugo looked at the texted and rolled his eyes then realized y/n was still talking to him he shook his eyes and grabbed her wrist she was shocked but followed he walked her all the way to her dorm she opened the door and told him to come in if he wanted to talk in private he nodded and said "y/n I don't know how to- oh FUCK IT!" he lightly grabbed her cheek and kissed her surprisingly softly. y/n smiled and kissed back after about 60 seconds they pulled apart "will you go out with me y/n" y/n blushed "what makes you think i would say no" she kissed him this time

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