Helping With The Halloween Party

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Since the school year started all of class A1 have been very stressed out about school work and hero training, but all that will change when principal Nezu gave all the students a big announcement on the intercoms for the 1st of October.


"Gooood morning students of UA and happy October, I have a very big announcements for all of you students so listen close, it is the first October and as in UA tradition there will be a big Halloween party on the 31st, and if any of you would like to volunteer to help out with the decorations meet up in the gymnasium so you can lend a hand for this excellent Halloween party, oh I nearly forgot to tell you that you must have a costume to get entry into the party, that is all have a great day students and don't forget to do your best,"

After you announcements ended all of class 1A begin to cheer and talk about what they should go as, some of them even discuss that they will be volunteering to help out with the Halloween party preparations at the gymnasium, and those people who volunteered were Deku, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Iida, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Momo, with all of them jumping on board to help out he then started to hit straight to the gymnasium after class to lend a helping hand.



"Man this is going to be so cool, I can't wait!"


"Yeah, I wonder what should we go as? (ribbit)"


"Oh Tsu we should go as something matching."


"Yeah that sounds like a great idea Ochako."


"Ladies before we discuss on costumes we should be discussing about how we should be thinking about how we should be decorating the gymnasium for the Halloween party."


"Iida is right, maybe we should set up some black and orange streamers and some paper bats hanging from the ceiling?"


"Haa come on let's do something epic like we should get a giant pumpkin and carve something super spooky and we should get live music too."


"That does sound pretty epic Kirishima but we can't forget the most important thing and that is the snack table."


"You're absolutely right Todoroki, so what do you all suggest we should have?"




"Some festive chocolate."




"Cold soba."


"I don't really think cold soba is a very good choice for a item for a snack table Todoroki but the rest of you have good suggestions."


"Okay all of you made your suggestions but we have yet to hear a suggestion from Midoriya, would you like to give us a suggestion Midoriya?"


"Well I don't really have a suggestion on my own but I'll lend a hand for anyone that needs it."


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