Chapter One

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The Winter Soldier has been watching for quite some time now. It was time he needed to settle down but he needed to have you first. You're different. Your... kind, sweet. Special. To him. Right now he was currently watching you leave the small café you work at. Why does he even care about you the way that he does? He's not supposed to feel...

If his handler found out about this, surely they will deal with you. No! He won't let that happen; not ever. He's in pain, his right arm, everywhere hurts, yes. It's been a day after the fall of hydra. But why you? Is because you give the homeless spare change? You even get them a small snacks. Is it because you hold the door open for people? Help the elderly cross the road? Do your thing and get on with your life?

Why are you so special? You're just an normal civilian who would run a mile when you see him coming— just like the others. But would you be scared of him or would you show him pity? He would never forget you. No. Hydra can wipe his mind how ever many times they want, but he would never forget your smile, your h/l h/c, your eyes. How could he? You were the most beautiful thing.

He has to have you. He needs you. He needs an outlet. He needs you, now. He can do this. Oh, he will surely do this. He just needs to get to your apartment before you do.
It was around 6:30 in the evening, the sun was starting to set which means it will be getting dark soon. However you loved working at the cafe, your manager was friendly and plus your bestie f/n worked there so you weren't alone.

You had stopped off at the store to get a few things for dinner and you are now heading back home to your apartment. It was okay actually, you had money, well your parents were pretty wealthy but they were too strict on you, so when you were old enough you decided to move to New York just to live simply. They sent you money, so they still care but you didn't care for the money.

You climbed the steps to your loft, turning the key in the door and stepping in locking it behind you. You flipped the lights on and set your shoes by the door, walking down the hall which lead into the kitchen and living room.

You dropped your purse, with a thud and a audible gasp left your lips. A broad figure, cad in black from head to toe sat on your grey sofa. All different kinds of weapons were strapped to him, a black sniper sat next to him. His pale skin brought out the blue in his eyes and his chin length hair was messy. He was attractive. However, what caught your eyes was the metal appendage that was in replacement for a normal arm, a red star on the shoulder.

The Winter Soldier.

The name that put fear in people, what he has done, to lots. He was dangerous and it made you think what you had done wrong to have this man sitting in your apartment, his piercing blue gaze never leaving your e/c eyes. However, there's has to be something or someone that makes him do the things he does. A reason.

You gulped, taking a tiny step back which made him rise from the sofa grunting, now slowly stalking over to you. He seemed to be favouring his right normal arm, but that didn't matter in this moment. Panic filled you, and you found yourself being pressed to the kitchen counter as your steps haltered. You held your hands in front of you in an weak attempt to protect yourself from this man.

"Pl..plea...please don't hurt me. Please.." your voice was brittle. He stopped merely inches in front of you and you waited for him to strike; but no impact came. It was silent. You slowly opened your eyes and lifted them up to him, his expression was emotionless however his eyes betrayed his emotionless facade. You stared at each other for what felt like forever until you found the courage to speak up.

"Are you going to hurt me?" You asked in a tiny voice. He shook his head, "no" his voice was gravely. Your brows furrowed in confusion at his meek answer. "What are you~" you were cut off by his metal fingers brushing over cheek, his movement was gentle. But you flinched a bit which he didn't like. Not at all.

He eyes turned to their cold, emotionless state again. His metal hand shot out, wrapping your throat in a vice grip, your arms came up to grip his forearm and you kicked out your legs out in a pathetic attempt to escape from this man. Soon blackness overtook your vision, your limbs grew heavy and soon you fell into unconsciousness as he lowered you the floor.

He instantly retreated his arm, eyes going wide. He hadn't meant to do that, but you flinched away from him, he didn't want you to and he hurt you. He growled out, angry at himself for doing that to you. He took a look round your apartment quickly finding the bathroom, he searched through the cabinets finding the first aid kit, taking out a bandage.

He began to work on the straps, then the buttons on his gear, once the garment fell loose he set it on the counter and leaned his right arm against the wall bracing himself. With one hard push forward, he grunted in pain as a sickening pop sounded as his shoulder popped back into place. He reached out for the bandage wrapping it around his shoulder for the time being.

Once that was done, he stalked back to you who was still laying unconscious on the kitchen floor, a faint bruise starting form around your throat. The soldier picked you up bridal style and made way for your room laying you down gingerly on your double bed, pulling the covers over you. He then pulled the chair out from your vanity sitting in it never taking his eyes off your sleeping form.

You're safe with him. After all, you are his now.

A/n- Now, I don't know where to go with this one; it took me a while to think of something. Updates may take a while, because this one was hard. I don't know weather to make it a darkfic or keep it neutral. I'll decide soon.

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