Chapter 10

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-----------Y/N'S POV--------

Oh...I think he's not coming at the party ....I feel lazy to go to the party......Haysss he's so weird! Oh...I forgot  need to go back inside!

---------END POV-------

You run back inside the school when Rm hold you wrist that make you stop running 

"Rm" Hey Y/n where's suga?

"Y/n" Is he still not here?

"Jhope" No , we tried to call him but he's not picking up

"Y/n" We didn't fight but I think he's sad?

"Jin" Ah...I Know it!

"Y/n" Aishh...that boy is weird!

Jin looked t the 2 boys dumbfounded and jin just nodded his head

"Jin" You can go now Y/n we already know where he is

"Y/n" Ohh...okay say to him , Take care okay? { the boys just nodded and walk away}

"Tzuyu" There you are!

"Y/n" There you two {laugh}

"Nayeon" Hey, so what happend can you tell a bit?

"Y/n" Nothing! what would you expect huh???

"Tzuyu" Just asking ......

"Y/n" You know what the both of you likes Suga right? Your always teasing me about him , I don't like him okay??

"Tzuyu" You know what Y/n You will like Suga soon....{whispered to Y/n}

Your class is done so you decided to take a little walk when someone called your name

"Hyunjin" Y/nieeee!

"Y/n" Where did you got that nickname from? { chuckled}

"Hyunjin" Nothing, can I get your number?

"Y/n" ahh...yeah! give me your hand { you took out a pen and write your phone number on he's hand}

"Hyunjin" Okay , thanks I'll text you later!!

"Y/n" Okay bye!{waved your hands}

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