☆5. Meeting InLaws☆

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Jungkook and Yoongi arrived in their car to yoongi's place, even Jeon family was present to welcome the couple, yoongi's sister hugged him while both of his parents and elder brother were busy giving him cold glares which made yoongi to gulp down on his saliva.

Jungkook sensed him and tightened his grip firmly around the olders hand to assure him that he was not alone this time. All were in the living room while Jungkook hugged his parents, he was glad seeing them here but still he was on his cold war with his parents for that sudden marriage request.

"yoongi son I hope Jungkook was good with you, if not tell me I will teach him manners" Mrs jeon said to yoongi who's head was low shaking nervously.

"Sweetheart tell them, we get along so well with each other, don't we?" Jungkook asked yoongi placing his hand around his waist and this move was observed by everyone, yoongi was glad that Jungkook kept his words for acting infront of everyone but this sudden action made him all red he was not ready neither he assumed Jungkook could turn so dominant within a second.

"We're fine aunty, he is very caring and genuine towards me, I'm glad to have him" yoongi says making others surprise that the couple got along with very well in such a short time.

"so Jungkook what are you planning next and what about business? is everything going accordingly?" Mr Jeon asks Jungkook changing the topic.

"Yes dad you don't need to worry, please stay rest assured everything is under our control" Jungkook says calmly sipping on the red wine and yoongi dedicdes that it was the perfect time to tell them.

"Eomma Appa, I want to inform you that I'm leaving to America next morning" Yoongi says nervously fidgeting with his fingers but hearing this Mr.Min raise his voice over yoongi almost shouting at him.

"already you bought so much of shame to our family wasn't that enough yoongi !!! now why you need... just forget it, you are not going anywhere got that !" Mr.Min shouts shocking everyone and making yoongi to flinch over his sudden outburst.

Jungkook looks at him angrily his gaze holding nothing but pure frustration towards the old man "firstly Mr.Min don't raise your voice over my husband" Jungkook says calmly trying to control his anger, others knew this was Jeon Jungkook infront of them, they couldn't afford to go against Jungkook.

"secondly you don't have any right own his life now, he can take his own decisions and I don't like anyone interfering in Jeon yoongi's life, it's none of your concern now, don't forget that he is no longer your son he is Jeon Jungkook's husband now, change your attitude towards him. I can't tolerate anyone disrespecting him in my presence I hope you got that" Jungkook says in his dominating voice making everyone present in the living room to shiver down and even Mr.Min couldn't talk back against Jungkook, he was at the loss of words.

"please excuse us, Sweetheart let's go I'm sure you need to rest before leaving Korea" Jungkook says getting up to walk while yoongi helds his arm and followed Jungkook, looking back towards his parents one last time.

Yoongi was impressed by Jungkooks demanor to say would be an understatement, he didn't knew the younger was so dominant and intimidating, Jungkook's aura was really scary just like how people had told yoongi about his husband.
Jungkook went in his room to sleep while yoongi started with his packing he needed to stay in America for a very long time, so he just wished things turn out good for him this time.

Yoongi thanked Jungkook during cardrive for taking his side when his father tried to oppose him from going.
Jungkook assured him if he needs anything yoongi could ask him and teased him again and again calling him kitten Hyung they laughed and enjoyed their small talk. Jungkook was really very sweet towards him and yoongi was thankgul for that.
Yoongi decided that next week he will tell Jungkook everything about his past, now he doesn't want to keep anything hidden from Jungkook.

Next morning as soon as yoongi woke up he signed some applications and changed few things as he was no longer going to stay in Korea, he needed to check everything one last time, his flight was at 11 am. Jungkook asked him that their driver would drop yoongi at the airport.

Before going yoongi hugged Jungkook and he was asking yoongi to come back soon if possible. "Hyung if you want to date someone remember, I will check upon that person before you can date him, I can't let my Hyung in someone's hands just like that" Jungkook says while opening the door to leave while yoongi was stunned and blinked his eyes how did Jungkook observed about this "don't be surprised my kitten Hyung, I know both of us dont see each other romantically, it was an arrange marriage after all." Jungkook says while chuckling and yoongi couldn't hold back and embraced Jungkook he was so emotional over the fact that Jungkook was aware of every single thing about him.

Yoongi didn't knew what to say or how to react Jungkook had always respected his feelings and never forced himself on yoongi even though when they were husbands.

"I will keep that on mind, Jungkook you are really world's best brother, I love you !" yoongi says smiling showing his gummy teeth "Hyung don't call me brother you know, there's a saying even walls have ears and love you too" Jungkook says sweetly and was warning yoongi that it wasn't right if someone knew about their relationship, it should be hidden that they treat each other as dear brothers instead of husbands it shouldn't be revealed, if media reveals even the slight image of their private life it would lead to have bad impact on both the companies position and respect.

"okay I should leave now, try to find someone for you as well Jungkook before I come back but remember, don't you dare to cheat on me behind my back we are still husbands !!" yoongi says shouting and leaves away making Jungkook to laugh at his silly behavior.

It was currently afternoon by now yoongi might have already left Korea, Jungkook was busy with his daily work he was in the middle of press conference for the meeting, discussing about business deals. Suddenly his personal seceratory rushed inside the chamber "Mr.Jeon there's an important call for you, I think you should answer" she said handing over his phone for Jungkook to speak.

"please excuse me, I think it's really urgent I need to take this call, continue with the meeting I will come back" Jungkook ordered before excusing himself he was now outside at the balcony and recived the call he was getting constantly.

"Hello Mr.Jeon its very urgent we don't have time, please come to this address your son got into an accident"

"what the fuck... my son how dare you prank on me, get lost !!"

"Sir we really don't have time, I'm not lying please come to this hospital your son is in really very critical condition."

"Hello... wait hey.... " the call was cut off even before Jungkook could speak.

End of Chapter

(a/n : what you think would have happened ? and why this person was saying it was Jungkook's son.)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter 😉

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