we drove to the mall i both got outfits!
i decide to get my hair dyed to...
(if you don't like it change it)
we went home and saw my dad there, at first he didn't like it but he then started warming up to it, and liked it. i decided to go hang in the swimming pool. "ave alex is here" my mother called. "i'm in the pool!" i yelled so she could here me. he walked out and saw me. "oh heyy" i said swimming over to him. "get out and change" he said. i m confused. "what, why?" i asked confused. "we're going to the amusement park " he said. "oh fun!" i said smiling. i got out and changed into light purple baggy pants and a matching crop top. (madison beer outfit!)
"ready" i said and we walked into a car with more kids. i got to in back. "oh hi" i said and smiled. "hi, i'm ryland" a boy said smiling. "connor" another boy said. "mathew" a boy said. "emma" a girl mumbled. "oh i'm avery" i said smiling and pulled my phone out. "so do you have tiktok" a boy asked. "no, i haven't downloaded that yet" i said. "oh you should" connor said. "i'm thinking about it" i said.
we listened to music on the way and stopped for snacks. i did tell my parents don't worry and they said to be careful. "so avery like anyone yet" emma asked rudely. "no, not yet" i said smiling. it was true i didn't like anyone. she rolled her eyes and got on her phone.
"hey ave wanna make a tiktok with me" mathew asked. "sure" i said.
we did 'girls in the hood'
fuck being i'm a bad bitch, i'm sick of motherfucker tryna tell me how to live,
whack hoes hate under my pictures on the 'gram'
bitch, you better hope i never run across you man.
we posted it and got 158 likes.
??-she is cute
??-yall ship everyone y'all see.
??-she needs tiktok!
152 other comments.
we're all the comments
we arrived and got off. we went on rollercoasters and got snacks, emma didn't like rollercoasters so she just played games.
"wanna go on the rollercoaster with me" i asked emma.
"ew, no" she said and walked away. i walked to connor. "what's her problem" i asked him. "idk she got mad when alex posted the picture of y'all" he whispered. "oh" i said feeling bad.
we made tiktok and soon i downloaded it, user name is "averybrooke
we decided to make a group tiktok and got a lot of likes. anyways it is the end of the day and we go home.
"goodnight bitch" i mumbled to alex. "night ugly" he said and walked the opposite direction.
i went inside and saw my parents. "goodnight" my dad said angrily.
gosh, he is always either mad or just not here!
i quickly changed and fell asleep.
school tomorrow!
Randommoving to a new house can be tough l but as long as you have a super hot neighbor....what could go wrong? his father didn't approve, my mother didn't approve neither did my d father. i'm 17 almost 18!