Forth part: the royal bulldog

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  The two remain silence until the carriage reaches the gates of the royal residence again. As soon as the horses stop, the carriage's door opens from outside and the chancellor's head bumps in:

  -There you are! Explanations and apologizes later... Off you go! Come, quickly!

  -Chancellor, what about all the etiquette? The princess tries to protest while she's led by the old man inside.

  -If I hear anyone talking rubbish like this, I'll shot the man myself! A situation has developed that could put you and the country in great risk... He tells her once they are before the king's last chamber.

  -What situation?

  -Both the Fonarian ambassador and the Gnorian consul are here to try speaking to the king. Merely pretexts... They want to find out whether or not you are by his side. Take a deep breath, child, and look into my eyes. From now on, every action you do, small or not, will influence our foreign policy in ways you can't yet imagine. I do not ask that of you, I won't try to force your hand into doing things you don't want... I know how it feels to lose someone... My second daughter died of illness and my first boy died in my own hands. He threw himself before a blasted assassin that was targeting me and gave his life to save mine. I am therefore begging you to ask me or any minister whenever something that you have no idea about pops! We are here for you and for this country and just because this had happened, doesn't mean we are going to run away trying to save our skin! Also, please consult with me or Minister Mavrenkov before addressing or writing to foreign officials! Those being said, your father is in the other room. We are yet to announce his death, so, just to refresh your memory, you were beside him when he passed away. It is a crucial detail! I'll be here if you need anything...

  The girl says nothing. Her blue eyes seem to search for something on the chancellor's face. She simply enters the other room in a solemn silence. The old man presses a small white hanky against his forehead and makes it for the interior of the residence.

  Behind the other door, the princess is watching her father. She comes next to the edge of his bed, puts her palm into his and brings it to her mouth. She gives it a kiss and then releases the tears she has been struggling to hold back since Baron Dupendorf hit her with this grim news. She just cries... for her father is gone and the road that lays before her feet was not supposed to belong to a girl.

  -Let me go! I want to see the king! Sobu wants to see the king! I am his voice! Out of my way! A furious voice can be heard outside.

  The princess gets on her feet and quickly cleans her face with a light-blue hanky. The door is almost blown away and a man bumps inside. He is dressed in a long grey robe, heavy golden rings and a huge silver necklace. He is the High Priest of Sobu – the leader of the entire cult – and he's extremely unpleased to find a girl next to the king:

  -Who are you?! How dare you to come that close to Sobu's chosen one? Seize her!

  A few monks in grey robs get inside and grab the girls outside. They are stopped in the salon by a line of royal guards with their muskets at ready. Before them, General Ghebor, red faced, starts barking at them:

  -Do you have a death wish or something? This is your new ruler, you bastards! Release her or, by Sobu's name, I'll cut you into pieces!

  -Don't release her! Sobu's wrath will be thrown upon us if a girl seats on the throne! Only men are worthy to be Sobu's chosen! Stop them! The high priest yells at his monks while the royal guards begin to punch his servants with their weapons.

  The girl is set free and the guards corner the high priest near the king's body. Nobody dares to touch Sobu's most beloved servant. He looks at them with disgust and fury. Someone makes his way between the soldiers and arrive before him – the chancellor:

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