saddie spell part 1

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The drawing is me and zoey giving me a kiss also zander and Stacey are brother and sister cus somepeople even me think they're related plus there will be crack ships here)

Zander pov

I was looking for sadie cus I ask if she can help me with Sean and Jake cus of what happened to daisy "umm yes sadie?" "Ok zander I know what to do to help" sadie said "ok what is it?" Sadie then started to smile a little scary it was small smile then a smirk the a wide grin "umm sadi----"

No one pov

Sadie was saying words zander did not understand then zander black out when zander woke up it was night and in his room shock but didn't care no bit zander went out of his room and saw daisy mom and dad his mom, his step dad, Stacey, Hailey, milly, luke, and sadie they GASP zander was confused then zander saw that he was


zander/daisy pov

"SADIE WHY AM I DAISY?!" "You need Help with Sean and jake so yeah and if only at night zander" my sister was laughing her ass of "WOW ALEXANDER YOUR REALLY AR----" "DON'T CALL ME ALEXANDER!!!!!!" I run to my room slammed the door and started to cry and Luke came in to calm me down so did Hailey and my mom my step dad was yelling Stacey  And daisy mom and dad calming him down you see I changed my name to zander cus of my dad after he...............................................................................died And his name was zander.............................................................(we will get to that story soon)


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