Chapter 12

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Jessica looked around and saw she was in The Cullens house and saw Bella and Edward who looked like they came back from hunting. "Jessica" Bella said. Jessica sat up and walked to the mirror. She smiled at her vampire look. She then walked with Bella and Edward to the kitchen where the pack, Hayley, Klaus and the Cullens were. Hope and Evie walked to Jessica and hugged her legs. Jessica smiled and picked them up. "Your pretty momma" Evie said. Jessica smiled kissing her check. Jessica passed Hope to Hayley. Jessica looked and saw Paul and she smiled at him. Paul walked up to her and brought her close. "Welcome back" Paul whispered. Jessica laughed and looked at Bella and Renesmee. Jacob told them he imprinted on Renesmee. Bella was about to hit him but Jessica stepped in front of him. "You can't do anything about it. There are stages. Friend. Brother. Protector. Or lover. As she gets older the more she will fall for Jake remember" Jessica said. Bella sighed and nodded. She let the imprint bond continue. Soon the families got together again. Paul took Evie and Jessica home. Evie was asleep in her mother's arms. Soon they got home and Jessica put Evie in her bedroom. Jessica went to her and Paul's bedroom an changed her clothes. Paul walked inside to see Jessica asleep and Evie in her room. He smiled at them. Paul went to his bed and laid next to Jessica holding her tightly a if she might leave again.
~The next morning~
Paul woke up to see Evie right in front of him giggling. "Morning Dada" Evie said. Paul smiled and saw Jessica laying next him with a smile on her face. "What" Paul said. "Can't remember today is your birthday" Jessica said. Paul smiled and grabbed Evie tickling her. Evie kept laughing asking Paul to stop. Jessica smiled at her small family. Paul was about to leave for patrol but Evie decided to surprise him. She got he big card she and Jessica made and showed Paul. "Happy birthday Daddy" Evie said. (Okay like I said Evie grows fast but not like Renesmee so she would looks 5 years old but she is two). Paul smiled and looked inside to see pictures of Jessica and him. Ultrasound of Evie. A picture of Paul holding Evie for the first time. Jessica holding Evie. Evie on her first birthday. Evie on her second birthday. Paul had tears and smiled at Evie. "Thank you princess I love it" Paul said. The next words that came out of Evie mouth made Paul and Jessica smile even more at her. "I want a brother or sister" Evie said. Paul looked at Jessica who was smiling. "You hear that she wants a sibling" Paul said cheekly. Jessica rolled her eyes and smiled. "I did an it time for you to go on patrol. Be careful" Jessica said. Paul nodded and pecked her lips and kissed Evie forehead and ran out the door to patrol. Evie and Jessica spent the whole day playing. Jessica and Evie fell asleep on the couch watching movies. Paul walked through the door and saw them asleep and smiled. He sat on the couch and fell asleep next to his fiancee and his daughter.
~a couple weeks later~
It's been a couple weeks since Bella woke up and things were not going to well. The Voltouri found out about Bella and Edward having a child and accused them of creating and immortal. So Jacob, Sam and Jessica agreed to help. Paul was pretty pissed off about it though. He just got back his fiance and his daughter and he wasn't ready to lose them yet. But he agreed to fight for Evie. Jessica was going to fight as well. Evie was gonna stay with Billy. But one night while Evie spent the night at Sam and Emily's because Sam and Emily wanted Evie to stay with them for the night Jessica and Paul had worked on making another baby. And it worked. Jessica was pregnant with their second baby. Even if they aren't married. Jessica asked Freya to our a spell so no one know she was pregnant. Jessica and Paul decided to have a little wedding well more like elope and have the tribe their. The tribe such as the pack, the elders and the Mikaelsons. Jessica, Hayley, Leah and Emily were getting Jessica for he big day. Evie was going to be the flower girl. As well as Claire.
Jessica wedding dress

Jessica wedding dress

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Soon the wedding was starting

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Soon the wedding was starting. Paul's best men were Sam, Jared, Klaus and Kol. Jessica bridemaids were Emily, Leah, Hayley and Davina. Soon the bridesmaid and best men walked down the isle and then the flower girls. Paul smiled at Evie. Then Jessica came out with Elijah and Jake who were giving her away. Billy was doing the ceremony. Now after all this time waiting Jessica Black was now Jessica Lahote. Evie hugged her mom and dad and everyone celebrated the marriage between Paul and Jessica.
~a couple weeks later~
After Paul and Jessica got married the Cullen's had gathered enough witnesses to convince the Voltouri. Christmas came up and everyone celebrated the time they had left. Paul was a little more afraid to leave Evie. The thought of him or Jessica dying and Evie not having parents made him feel worse. So when the night can for them to leave Paul was not ready to let go. They told Evie they would be back and Evie knew it was because her parents had to save their people. Evie also knew Jessica was pregnant with her sibling. "Be careful momma. Make sure the baby doesn't get hurt" Even whispers for he mom to only hear. Jessica smile and nodded. Both Paul and Jessica took off leaving Evie at Billy's. The fight was tomorrow and they hoped there was no fight at all.

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