✨✨ Starry night talks✨✨ (free x shu)

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nobody's pov

It was a few weeks after the world championships. The wind blowing in Shu's white locks as he looked up at the starry sky.

Shu pov

I stood thinking " how did I become red eye". "Now everybody hate me why wouldn't they" "

As those thoughts rush through my head. I didn't

notice that someone was behind me.

"Hey" I hear a voice say. Snapping me out of my thoughts. "Who be out here at this time". I thought while turning around to see a tall boy with bored grey eyes and golden hair with a red streak in the middle. It was valts teammate free de la Hoya.

"Aren't you the guy who faced off valt in the finals shu kurenai was it ?" he asked, slightly tilting his head.

"Yeah that's me". I responded.

"What brings you out here" I asked

"I could be asking you the same thing" he states. I shrugged turning around.

He walks up to me.

Free pov

I walked up to him. "You seem different then when you were battling valt did something happen".

"Oh that I really don't know I wasn't really myself then". He said. His facial expressions saddens.

"Care to talk about it, I don't mind listening". I say.

Shu pov

I look at him. Holding back all my tears. "I'm fine". I start turning around to walk away.

Only to have a hand grab mine. I turn around only to see free's eyes looking at me.

"Let it out it looks like you've been through a lot". He soothes, pulling me into a warm embrace.

Tears start running down from my eyes. " I'm sorry I'm not normally like this" I apologize.

"I just wanted to get stronger. I didn't mean to go that far. I made such a big mistake". I choked.

"Hey you know everyone makes mistakes right". He starts.

"Yeah but" I interrupted.

"That just means we're human". He finishes.

My eyes widen. I wipe the tears from my eyes. "Thank you". I started " I really needed that".

"Anytime". He starts. " but I think I need a new shirt". I look at his shirt and turned red in embarrassment. It was stained with my tears.

"Yeah sorry about that". I say. As I turn around. "It's fine ". He said, as we walked back towards the hotel talking on the way there.

thank you @Poopoo_ChileMaster for requesting a part

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