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Error sat there enjoying his chocolate, while cross glared at him from the other side of the couch. "Those two okay?" Dust whispered too horror, who were both staring at them from the staircase.

Error sighed, annoyed with crosses look. "If your going too glare at me go do it with your Imaginary friend." Error stated. "HES NOT IMAGINARY YOU THINK IM INSANE?" Cross yelled back. Chara sitting on top of the couch listening too the argument. "YOUR INSANE ENOUGH TOO KIDNAP KILLER SO I MEAN-....."

The room fell silent. Cross stared at error, not knowing what to do. Error stood up, "they were gonna find out sooner or later" he said then walked upstairs. Dust and horror looked at cross in disbelief. "Distract him." Dust mumbled before running upstairs. Cross ran too the staircase and ran up a few steps, before feeling horrors axe dig deep into his arm. "I exist too you know" horror said, pushing hard on the axe, digging it deeper into cross arm and now body, before pushing it too where cross got flung into the wall, his arm now bleeding. He started at the ground, you couldn't tell what he was doing, but all horror could do was laugh. "So this is the power of cross? The one who almost killed ink? Pretty pathetic if you ask me" horror said laughing as he walked down the stairs, swinging his axe in circles. He reached the bottom and looked at cross. "Done alread-" in a second horror was pushed across the hallway, and threw the wall. Cross holding his arm, as he hung off the fifth floor. "How the.." horror mumbled, looking at the ground. "If you fell it would instantly kill you." Cross said without emotion, staring into horrors soul. "Oh well" he shrugged and let go of horror.

A black Tentacle grabbed horror and pulled him back up, making him land on the ground near the broken wall. Cross was still on his knees, as if he hadn't moved an inch since he'd tried too kill horror. Dust was ready too stab him at any moment, holding his knife in his pocket.

Error walked back in after With a handful of chocolate. He looked around at the scene infront of them. "EVERYONE STOP MOVING FOR A MINUTE" he yelled over too them then grabbed a popcorn bag and shoved it into the microwave. Everyone including cross stared at him in disappointment as they heard the popping from then microwave.

"I swear too god.." nightmare mumbled as the timer went off, and the popcorn bag was grabbed out of the microwave. "Alright, continue." Error said in excitement as he sat on the couch.

Cross laughed, "well error, congrats." Cross said as he disappeared right behind error. "CONGRATS IVE LET YOU LIVE THIS LONG MY FRIEND" he said as he swung his sword right at errors neck.

"Your funny, cross." Error said in a deep tone, as if he wasn't joking. His voice was now clearer, during those three words it didn't glitch. Error continued "I hate being serious, it's really not my style. So just quit it. You lost, 'my friend.'"

killermare still without a damn title (book two)Where stories live. Discover now