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3rd person POV

Izuku alone on the road, headphones on his ears and silently singing along. Then he heard a blaring scream. His eyes shot open, eyes wandering to where it came from. He ran to an alley-way where he heard the scream. Then he saw it.. His childhood best friend on the ground, bleeding, with almost black palms. I guess he didn't hear the explosions. But when he looked on the other side, there was a guy, knocked out, with deep bleeding cuts. He was more worried for bakugou though. He ran to the spikey blonde and tried waking him up. "Kacchan!" Izuku said, tears forming in his eyes. "Kacchan!!" He says, with tears slowly spilling out. "Tsk.. what n- nerd?" Bakugou asked, stuttering and coughing. "Can I bring you to my house for the night? It's close enough and more comfy than the concrete, izuku said with a worried smile. "S- sure you nerd.." katsuki said, stuttering with a cough. Izuku helped his friend up, putting katsukis arm over his shoulders. Soon Izuku opened his bedroom door and let the spikey haired boom boom boy on his bed. "I'm gonna come back, let me just get some bandages!" the green haired boy said with a smile, kneeling down to his bedside table and opening the drawer under it. He pulled out a box with all the healing products and more. He took the white bandages and placed them on the table. He took out the cloth things and the healing liquid. He poured some on the pad. "This is gonna sting," Izuku said with a smile. "I know that, nerd!" The human pomeranian said, looking away slightly. The slightly shorter boy started dabbing the pad on the cuts. Katsuki groaned slightly in pain. Izuku giggled slightly with a small smile. "Stop laughing nerd!" Katsuki said with a small 'tck'. Izuku put the pad on the small table. He took the white bandage roll and started unrolling it on his best friend's leg, rolling up the pant leg of course. He knotted the last bandage and put away everything, along with putting the pad in the garbage obviously. It was already 12 am. When he found katsuki it was 10:47. 'Guess it took a while hehe.' Izuku thought with a smile while making himself and his- the boy he calls kacchan dinner. Soon after they finished deku said " I'll sleep on the couch, okay kacchan?" Izuku said, drying his hands off after cleaning the dishes with a tilted head to look at the blonde. "Nerd! I can easily sleep on the couch! Why are you worried about me!?" Bakugou yelled at the shorter boy in front of him. "Haha! Well we can sleep together if you want! I'm not letting you sleep on the couch. We did it as kids when you stayed over for the night, it'll be fine!" Izuku laughed with a smile. "Tsk... Fine useless deku." The pomeranian said in slight defeat. "I need clothes you stupid deku." the so-called 'kacchan' said with a tiny 'tck' "I'll grab you one of my bigger hoodies then." Deku said, walking to his room. He got out a pretty big hoodie that had the ground-zero orange X on it. "You... have my merch...?" katsuki said, holding the hoodie. "Of course! Why wouldn't I?" Deku responded with a smile, getting out another hoodie. It was a cute black and orange cat hoodie, so kinda just ears and a long tail on it. "I'll change in the bathroom." Izuku said with a small smile, opening the bathroom door. Once he was done he threw the clothes he was wearing before in the hamper beside the bathroom door. He's wearing shorts under you creepy readers! He walked through the door, covering his eyes with the hood on his face. "You dressed?" He asked the demon in his room. "Yeah you idiotic nerd!" He yelled at his friend. Deku brought up his hood but not taking it off but enough to let him see. Izu giggled slightly. "Welp. lets sleep!" Izu said, walking over to his best friend, 'kacchan' or known as bakugou. He looked slightly up at him and pulled up the explosive boy's hood. Bakugou's face went red with anger. Deku walked over to his bed. Then bakugou noticed something.. "Hey, deku.. Where'd your all might shit go?" "Hm? Oh, it was kind of annoying and so bright for me so I took the posters off and put a few of the action figures away." Izu responded, bakugou hummed in response. Izu pulled back the blankets for him and bakugou. "Get in the bed so you can sleep." Izu said, crossing his arms. "Tsk. dont tell me what to do!" Bakugou said, walking to the bed and sitting down on the side next to the wall. Izu chuckled, seeing he actually did it. He crawled beside bakugou and put his back against bakugou. "Goodnight, kacchan." the green haired boy says as he drifts into sleep. "Goodnight.. Nerd." Bakugou responded with a small smile placed on his lips as he too went to bed. Bakugou woke up to some weight on him. He opened his eyes and saw a sleeping deku, cuddled up in his chest, hood on his chest. Bakugou was flustered and was confused. 'He looks... cute.' bakugou thought, calming down with a small and calm smile. 'Wait what!? No! He's my nerd! I mean a nerd!" Bakugou thought to himself, his face heating up again. Then he heard a yawn coming from below him. "Morning kacchan." The green haired boy said, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with his sleeve. "G-goodmorning nerd.." A flustered bakugou said. "You okay, kacchan? You're really red. Do you have a fever?" The worried boy said, putting his hand up to the red male. "I'm fine stupid deku!" Bakugou responded, slapping dekus hand off of him. "okay! I'm going to have a shower, okay?" The boy with a forest for hair said, jumping out of bed and walking to the bathroom. Turning on the shower to a good temperature and jumping in. Once he got out, with a towel on his hips and just throwing the hoodie on the bed, aimlessly. He took a pair of ribbed baggy black jeans, a black and purple shirt and a white hoodie that's tied on his hips. "Kacchan!" Izuku called out for his friend, only to find him in the kitchen making breakfast. "Ah! Kacchan! You're still hurt! You can get burned! Gimmie that!" The green eyed boy said, reaching for the pan. He finally grabbed it and shoved the taller boy with his shoulder. 'Hmph!' he made as he continued the breakfast. "And.. DONE!" Izuku yelled, causing the other male to jump. Deku just gave a laugh in return while bringing the plate to his explosive friend. "Thanks nerd..." bakugou said as he looked at what he was wearing and blushed. After they finished eating izuku got a great idea. "Lets go to the park!" Izuku said with a bright smile. "Sure." Bakugou said, somewhat calm.. Weird- soon they arrived at a random park and got ice cream. It was like 10 pm or something. "Wanna go to a karaoke bar?" Izu asked. "Nah. how about lazer tag?" The spikey blonde asked, tilting his head to the side and saw his crush with sparkling eyes in excitement. "YES!" he scratched as he jumped around and around. Deku soon just dragged the boy to the lazer tag place. They're team was called and went in. they got through the rules and stuff, plopped they're weird glowing stick things in a bin and spreaded apart. Izuku was just walking around on one of those platforms. Then he got pulled to a wall and saw a smirking, spikey blonde pinning him to the wall. Then he kissed him! Of course the green haired boy kissed back. Katsuki pulled away, shot him and walked away. Then deku became a blushing mess and went to find the blonde. After the game they went back to Izuku's house and it was kinda silent. "Hey.. what was that uhm.. Kiss for?" Izuku asked, turning to bakugou. "Uhm.. well.. I uh.. I like you nerd!" A blushing bakugou said, looking at deku in the eyes. "I like you too!" A crying deku said as he hugged his friend. "So.. are we like a thing now?" the shorter male asked him. "If you want." Said a still blushing bakugou. "Yay!" deku said, making his grip tighter on his boyfriend. They soon went to sleep, cuddling of course :) (1457 words)

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