Chapter Eight- Babies & Daddy's

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~~Luka's point of view~~

It has been three weeks since Fawn's wedding; Pepper has been weird; I haven't spoken to her since that night of the wedding. I know it has something to do with the conversation with Jimmy. It's been bothering me because I enjoyed my night with Phoenix. At night was when I really got to spend time with him. The last three weeks, Fawn takes him home before she gets off, and I don't see either of them until the next morning.

Today I know that I have Phoenix alone. I also know that Pepper isn't working. Fawn hasn't been feeling well, so she asked Pepper to go to the doctor with her. Sebastian couldn't get off work because he had a meeting with the Governor in Nashville.

Fawn asked me if I would be willing to keep Phoenix alone. She explained to me why she wanted Pepper there. I get it. Pepper is essentially her mother too. There will be times they need alone time, even if it's for a doctor's appointment. I get Phoenix; that is what matters.

I had known about this a week ago. I purposely didn't schedule appointments for the morning today. I told my clients I had something to do, and I do. I have to meet Flo at her office to discuss the house. Fawn told me how that meeting went down.

Pepper owns my house and the land it's on. Ms. Hawthorn had left the house and land plus $250,000 to Pepper. She left $250,000 to Fawn. The rent that I had been paying plus an additional $300,000 was left for Phoenix. If I buy this home, it goes into an account for Pepper's future children. If she doesn't have anymore, it goes to Phoenix's first child.

There were also other properties that the Hawthorns owned. There were six in total. All of them in a different county. The homes are in the affluent areas. When Mr. Hawthorn would entertain back in his day, they had their choice of homes to visit.

Pepper and Fawn found out she had old money. That her family is where the money came from. The only people that knew were her, Mr. Hawthorn, and Larry's dad. When he died, Larry continued with his dad's office. Fawn said that he told them several people who lived here that were like the Hawthorns.

Fawn and Pepper signed agreements that they would not talk about it with anyone. Fawn tells me everything, whether I want to hear it or not. I also know she told her husband which she should. I asked how Flo knew that Pepper owned my house. Fawn said that they were allowed to talk about the house and land only.

I thought at first that was Pepper's issue. Fawn insists that it isn't. She said Pepper doesn't even want the money. Fawn doesn't need it either. Sebastian married her without a prenup. I know that was something that he and his family discussed heavily. I was present for that conversation. His mother wanted one, but his dad made it clear he was the one who brought the money in, and he would be the one making the decision. He wouldn't allow it. Sebastian didn't want it either.

He and I discussed, and we both agree that she wouldn't take anything from him even if it didn't work. The Morrison girls are different than any girl I have ever known. Sebastian said the same thing. If something were to happen, she would go back to Pepper's home, and those girls would keep moving on.

Fawn knew that I had the meeting with Flo at the same time as her appointment. I knew that she would be bringing me Phoenix any minute. We just had to go across town. They had to go to Cookeville. Fawn didn't want to go to her doctor here. He has members of his staff that like to run their mouths. It's been three weeks, and no one knows. That is how they wanted it.

Fawn did tell me Pepper lost her shit on Helene at the office, and Sebastian made her finish her workday in his office. Apparently, she kept asking about me, and Pepper couldn't take anymore. She blew up using a few choice words. Fawn said Sebastian was laughing when he told her.

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