Chapter 1: The First Day

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The cafeteria of The New Jersey Academy of Tokomaru will soon be filled with voices. It was the first day of school, Draco Malfoy waited eagerly to meet the new students. He was the Archí of the school, that's principle in Greek. It was his first year, so he wanted to make a good impression. Draco had worked very hard to gain this position. He had to murder the last Archí, he'd been trying to kill him for years. But was never successful until now.
Suddenly, Draco heard a blood curdling screech. He jumped out of his chair, and met eyes with Kokichi Ouma. Behind Kokichi were the other students. He searched through their faces to identify who had arrived. He saw Jeremy and Micheal, behind them Nagito, Agent Dale Cooper, Sire, Byakuya, Sheriff, Ball Monokuma, Christine, Shuichi, G U N D H A M T A N A K A, Papyrus, Sans, Mettaton, Frisk, Chara, Komaru, Toko, Rich, Jake, Spongebob, Patrick, Squidward, Kyoko, Maxson, America, Log Lady, and in the very back, little Evan Hansen.
Very few students qualify to go to The New Jersey Academy of Tokomaru. Only 29 students in total. Draco adjusted his tie and stood up, "Hello students, and welcome to The New Jersey Academy of Tokomaru. I am your Archí, Draco Malfoy." The small crowd of students share quiet whispers with each other. "You may call me Archí Malfoy. Here you will learn the important skills you need for the rest of your lives. Be grateful, you have been chosen to attend our beautiful establishment," Draco smiled.
"Jeremy you dumb bitch," Nagito yelled.
Jeremy spun around, "What?" He looked concerned.
"I want your girl, Christine," Nagito sneered.
"No, you can't have my girlfriend you little skank!" Jermy said, the concern in his voice turned to anger.
"Why you little- I'LL RIP YOUR GUTS OUT JEREMY!"
"BOYS, CALM DOWN!" Draco yelled, pulling Nagito off of Jermy. "What has gotten into you?! You just got here!" Draco exclaimed. This year is going to be harder than I thought.
The students walked together into the cafeteria. Jeremy was furious, he clutched on Christine's hand. "You know Jeremy, you're really brave for standing up to Nagito like that" Whispered Christine. Nagito was behind them, Jeremy could feel his eyes on Christine, which made him mad. "Of course, I can't just let some crazy with spiky hair take you away from me," He spoke loudly, to make sure Nagito heard. Nagito wanted to kill Jeremy right there. But kept his composure. If he attacked him now, he'd be expelled for sure. He had to stay there, to win Christine.
"Isn't it beautiful Mett!" Kokichi said to Mettaton, he examined the paintings on the walls of the cafeteria.
"Look at my legs, I'm moving and grooving," Mettaton screamed, breaking into a dance. Everyone went silent and awkwardly stared at him, then immediately went back to what they were doing. Sigh Kokichi looked down at his hands. He and Mett had been dating for nearly 6 months, and he still felt like he barely knew him. Every time Kokichi would try and make conversation, Mett would either ignore him or start talking about his legs. Kokichi was hoping that Mett would open up to him since they would be spending so much time together at this new school. But so far nothing has happened.
Sheriff was staring at Kokichi from across the cafeteria, he was quite the character. He'd been watching him closely since they arrived at the school. Suddenly, Kokichi's eyes met his. They held a steady gaze for a few seconds, and without thinking, Sheriff winked. Kokichi's face became red and he looked away. Shit, I hope I didn't scare him off.
"Hey, Toki?" Komaru said to Toko "Do you want to go get some snacks? They have lots of food over there"
"U-um okay. Food sounds pretty good." Toko replied.
The two girls made their way over to the snack bar to get something to eat. When they got there, they noticed that they had some very...interesting options. They had red Mountain Dew, Grape Panta, Liquidized HoverBoards, and Extra Salty Saltine Crackers.
"Um, I guess I'll get some Grape Panta? None of this food sounds good at all." Komaru mumbled.
"Okay, just get one for me too I guess." said Toko.
They opened their drinks and took a sip, only to spit it out instantly.
"EW! What the hell is this!" Komaru spat.
"No clue," Toko answered. "Let's just throw this away"
"MICHAEL MAKES AN ENTRANCE," Micheal leaps through the air, then hits the ground and slides on his knees.
"What the fu-"
Michael interrupts Toko, "Helloooo ladies" He flashes a toothy smile.
"Uh- can I help you-?" Toko says, a puzzled expression on her face.
"Yep! You see my buddy over there, nice looking guy in the striped shirt," said Michael.
"Mhm" Komaru laughs
"He's my best friend, Jeremy. Well, he's pretty distracted at the moment with that Nagito fella. So I came over to hang out with you! If that's ok of course," Michael grinned.
"Actually I think-"
"Of course! The more the merrier," Komaru interrupted.
"Great! Glad there's some half normal people at this school," Michael exclaimed.
"Alright, this is all fine and dandy or whatever, but what did you say about my Panta?" Kokichi said angrily.
"YOUR Panta?" Toko said, puzzled.
"Yes MY Panta. I invented it, you know."
"WHAT? Why would you make something so disgusting?" Komaru asked questioningly.
"It is not disgusting! It is the best drink ever," Kokichi said, pouting.
They all looked over at Micheal. "Why don't you try it?" Komaru suggests. "Then you can tell us if it is good or not."
"Alright then, hand it over," Komaru hands Michael the bottle.
"You know, I am a bit of a soft drink expert. Back home I buy soda from the back room of Spencers Gifts! Really nice guy, one time he sold me Crystal Pepsi, you can't get that anywhere! And I only had to pay-"
Michael, stunned, takes a step back, "Ok dude, chill," he reaches down and twists the cap, then slowly raises the bottle to his lips. They all wait nervously in anticipation. Michael takes a sip, swishes the substance in his mouth, then... He pukes all over the floor.
"What the fuck is that!" He shouts, wiping his mouth.
"I told you it was terrible Kokichi, look what it did to poor Michael!" Komaru giggles.
"YOU ALL HAVE HORRIBLE TASTE!" Kokichi whined, storming off to the table where Mettaton sat.
Chara sat alone in the back of the cafeteria, glaring at everyone. How could it be possible that these absolute morons could get into the same school as her. She already knew she hated this place, even though it had only been a few hours. She scanned the room, there. Her eyes locked on Byakuya. The tall skinny boy had no chance. Chara had found her first target. Now, all she had to do was wait for the perfect time to strike.
"Hello students!" Draco shreeks, startling everyone in the room, "Your beloved Archí is here!" Squidward rolls his eyes, this guy is getting on my nerves. "I am here to deliver your... STAR WARS BLANKETS!" Draco exclaimed, "Everyone will get a star wars blanket, and you will lay it down to sleep on! Now everyone, form a line in front of me for your blankets," Draco cheers. The students slowly get up from the benches and make their way over to Draco. Woosh, Rich speeds through the other students, then he's on the ground.
Rich pressed his hand to his forehead "Ow! That fucking hurt!" he screamed.
"Watch where you're going," said a deep voice.
Rich looks up, "And who the hell are you?" he sneered.
"...You may call me GUNDHAM TANAKA" Gundham booms.
"Jesus christ, ok then," Rich said, getting himself up off the floor.
"Now that everyone has their blankets, you can lay them down. Everyone sleeps in the cafeteria. Have fun!" said Draco. "Sleep well, tomorrow is a big day, I have a surprise for you all," Draco closes the doors to the cafeteria locking everyone in

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