part 11: First Day Back

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-slowly y/n put on his uniform, even though he hated it the girls figured they would take turns on helping him dress in the morning. Pyrrha was a blushing mess as she buttoned his shirt. He sighed as she did his tie and she got up.-

Pyrrha: ready?

-y/n grabbed his cane and got up and nodded. He fixed his leg and started to walk out with pyrrha.-


-y/n was reading during port's class, due to this rwby looked at him surprised as he didn't use to read.-

Port: when surrounded by grimm what factor should always he established?

-y/n's hand shot up-

Port: y/n?

Y/n: terrain. In battle it's best to see your surroundings for escapes, dead ends,uneven ground, or for objects that could help or hurt you.

Port: Well done my boy! From that answer can someone please tell me a factor valuable to a hunter?

-everyone was silent and as weiss was about to raise her hand y/n put his up first.-

Port: y/n again.

Y/n: the ability to understand. When in combat it is important to understand terrain, your opponents, your teammates, and your own self to be able to strategize and defeat the enemy.

-the bell rung and quickly y/n put everything away and started to walk to his next class passing everyone.-

Ruby: well okay.

Weiss: I actually didn't think that.

Blake: let's hurry to class guys.

-they nods and yang shook her head-

Yang: mama no like.


-it was goodwitch's class and unfortunately yang and nora fought. It was quite destructive and with a sigh glynda fixed the arena.-

Glynda: and would anyone like to volunteer for the final match?

-y/n put his hand up making everyone surprised. Cardin laughed and stood up.-

Cardin: me and my team will fight him hahaha!

-the rest of his team nodded chuckling-

Glynda: that isn't fair y/n shouldn't fight anyw-

Y/n: I agree to fight.

Glynda: y/n! -sighs- are you sure?

Y/n: yes.

-he got up and started to walk but weiss grabbed his arm-

Weiss: y/n what are you thinking? You couldn't even hold your sword!

Y/n: I need to be able to fight again. I need to force myself.

-he pulled his arm away and counted to walk.-

-unlike before clicking of dress shoes weren't heard. Only the click of a cane as y/n walked out in black pants, a f/c tank top, and black sneakers. He looked forward at team crdl, they laughed seeing y/n without his arm and the prosthetic leg. Y/n turned the cane and held it like a weapon. As expected his hand was shaking and he started to pant. He looked up and his eye widen. He was in a very destroyed area with people killing each other as they screamed. He looked in front of him and saw four soldiers walking toward him. Immediately one charged at him  and in defense y/n blocked and elbowed them than spun around hitting them on the back of their head hard. He swung his cane back hitting someone on the head, he turned to see a soldier stumble back and fall back unconscious. He suddenly started to move to the side dodging bullets from the fights around him. He ducked dodging a weapon and seeing someone behind him he hit his cane on the back of their neck knocking them out. He looked at the last one and they charged at him and y/n side stepped and stabbed the back of their knee. They fell and y/n looked down at the dirt covered soldier. Suddenly the world changed to Cardin trying to crawl back away. Y/n's hand started to shake as he held his cane as a weapon. He had to finish this. He had to defeat Cardin. He had too. He has too. HE HAS TO WIN!-

y/n: AGGGHHH!!

-he raised his arm and swung the cane down towards cardin's face. Cardin's head turned quickly as he fell, his mouth started to bleed as y/n panted. With all his strength he used in that hit he broke cardin's nearly full aura, broke his jaw, and made him go unconscious. Y/n panted and walked away shaking as the bell rung.-

Glynda: -sighs- I need to tell ozpin.


-y/n had skipped lunch trying to steady his hand well holding a weapon, but it was getting worse. His body was started to shake not just his hand, it was becoming harder and harder to even move. Now Y/n was sitting as he listened to oobleck.-

Oobleck: and recently a new war was added to the history books, can anyone tell me what it was called?

Blake: the atlas white fang war. When atlas waged war and ran out the white fang.

Oobleck: correct, however can anyone tell me what was the first major war crime committed during the war?

Y/n: the village massacres. Atlas ordered low ranked soldiers to go from village to village suspected of being white fang supporters and line up the civilians than executed them. It caused 6,000 civilian deaths by the own military's hands. However it wasn't brought up as they were atlas citizens and atlas won the war.

Oobleck: amazing, with that much knowledge of the matter it's as if you were there.

-the bell rung and y/n walked out leaving everyone behind.-

Rwby: -sighs- left again.


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