I'll always remember you in OUR heart

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(Author's note)

Hey y'all I really have nothing else to say except. Enjoy! (Feat: Kanto family, also Gary, Hoenn family, Sinnoh family, Unova Family, and of course the Kalos family. Oh and their at school)

Ash's pov:


The school bell rang, alarming us that this boring subject is over. Everyone packed their bags and stood, as I did the same. Poetry is such a useless subject, anyway another exciting subject.....Math. I sighed. I. Hate. Math! I don't care what you say, but at least Serena is there.

If you're wondering who is this Serena, well she's a long time friend. Ever since we were five were already friends, but I wish we could be more. She likes this guy named Calem Xavier, she has never seen his true colors though. He can hit a baby if he wanted to, but she got affected by the spell.

Anyways I entered the math class to see almost everyone is there including Serena. I walked towards and when she saw me I flashed a smile, she also returned a heartwarming smile. There's just something about those smile man. Anyways I sat down beside her and grabbed my notebook in my bag. 5 minutes in the lesson and I already felt bored and sleepy. My eyes was about to close until the door bust in open.

"Gary Oak you have been late for the past week! Care to explain." Teacher Rohan said. "Sorry won't happen again." Gary did not sound like he was sorry though. "You've been saying that for the past week too Oak! One more time and I'll put you in detention. Now on your seat." Gary walked towards me and sat beside my right. "So what happened?" I whispered to him. "I entered the wrong class." Gary whispered back sounding embarrassed. I mean you should be though if you entered the wrong class.

Gary and I are also childhood friends. Serena, Gary, and I grew up together, it was a childhood to remember.

*Time skip to lunchtime*

Finally lunch break. I walked towards the cafeteria and bought some food, I walked towards the table the group had claimed. I can see them chatting and giggling. "Hey guys!" I greeted, whilst waving my hand while my other hand hold the tray. They all turned their heads towards me and smiled.

"So what are you guys talking about?" I lay my tray down on the table and sat down. "A debate of pineapple on pizza is good or bad." May said while glaring at Gary. We all sweatdrop on what's happening. "Well I think pineapple on pizza is bad. You're eating something sweet when you're eating something the exact opposite!" Gary does make a point, I raised my eyebrow for agreement, as I eat my food.

"No! The sweet flavor adds good taste to the pizza." I closed my eyes starting to feel agitated a little, I inhaled sharply and silently. "But-." Before Gary can protest I cut him off. "Look everyone has different opinions on different things. So you guys will never stop this stupidness, since you guys will never agree on something the other like and the other don't." I just loosed my cool, but I didn't look mad, just annoyed.

"Alright fine fair point." Gary said while crossing his arms on his chest. "Yeah ok I'll let this one slide." May also crossed her arms on her chest. "Finally peace at the table." Drew sighed in relief, everybody hummed in agreement.

*Time skip after school*


Finally school is done, but it will reach home as there's so FREAKING MUCH HOMEWORK! And they're all long homeworks. I walked out of the gate, but before I can reach the sidewalk a voice called me. "Ash!" I turned around and saw Serena running towards me. I smiled at her presence. "Hey what are you doing here?" I asked while turning around and walked at the sidewalk. Serena followed suit.

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