Chapter 1 - New Kid

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(A/N: I tend to describe stuff in way too much detail so prepare for word vomit. Oh also there are CURSE WORDS so be warned.)

Y/N: Your Name
Italics: Your thoughts

I wearily sighed staring out the window, watching as the last of the students trailed into the academy. It wasn't like me to feel so down but something about today put me in such a terrible mood. I peered carefully over my shoulder to take a look at Teruhashi. There she was in all her sparkling beauty, surrounded by lovesick males as usual. If I am being honest, I am fairly jealous of her, to be able to get any guy she wants because of how beautiful she is. Don't get me wrong I'm not bad-looking myself, but compared to her I might as well be a toad...

Everyone's attention was suddenly shifted as the teacher walked into the classroom and homeroom began.

"Class, we have a new transfer student joining us today. Please welcome in your classmate Saiko Metori."

With that, the doors swung wide open and a crimson carpet was drawn out while an attractive male walked across. All the girls gasped staring at him all googly-eyed.

"Let's get one thing straight. I don't plan to make friends with you commoners." He said, fanning himself with a wad of cash.

All the girl's faces drained of excitement as well as the males. He isn't here to make friends?? Then why the hell is he even here?!

The teacher directed him to a vacant seat in the classroom but Saiko refused.

"Hey you, broke big lips." He blurted out bluntly. "Give me your seat."

Takahashi got super upset. "Who are you calling big lips?! Don't look down on me just because you're rich!!"

Saiko shoved a considerable amount of money into Takahashi's uniform pocket and he shut up immediately.

"Ah teacher I am okay with switching seats," Takahashi said gleefully.

Well, he changed up real quick... Though this new guy is a total douchebag, he is super hot still. I don't have much chance but maybe I can sway him to date me and buy a crap ton of stuff. I smirked at the delightful thought of all the Gucci and Louis Vuitton bags I could get.

Saiko passed by Aren calling him a broke middle-part which pissed off the past delinquent to an extreme.

"If you didn't come here to make friends then why the hell are you even here?!" Aren said with an annoyed tone.

"Ah, it is true I would never set foot in such a filthy school without a good reason," Saiko said before making his way over to Teruhashi. "And that reason is you Teruhashi. I like you, please be mine."

Teruhashi looked at him in surprise, whereas the rest of the class got even more ticked off. Well, there goes my idea of getting with him and taking his money...


Lunchtime had finally arrived, and I sat at the table next to Chiyo.

"Stupid rich kid of course he is after Teruhashi," I muttered stuffing more food into my mouth.

Chiyo instantly noticed my puffed cheeks and red dust that coated them. She visibly sweats at my fierce jealousy.

"You already like the new guy Y/N?"

I looked at her with apparent disgust in my eyes. "No, I don't like him. I'm just upset I can't woo him and then use his money to buy whatever I want." I placed my head on my hand and looked over at Saiko's ornate table and grumbled.

Chiyo was clearly uncomfortable with my attitude, but I desperately wanted to buy some nice expensive fashion items. Yet, of course, Teruhashi gets every guy, as expected from a literal angel.

We looked over at Saiko who was now over at Saiki's table.

"What are you plebeians discussing?" Saiko questioned heartily, surprising the chatting group of boys. "But more importantly where is Kokomi?"

I couldn't discern the exact details of what was happening after that, but suddenly a fight broke out between Aren and one of Saiko's bodyguards.

"Wow, this lunch is getting pretty interesting!!" Chiyo said running off to the group of students to watch the fight.

I groaned. I don't want to watch this right now... So I got up out of my seat and headed to the bathroom to get away from the commotion. Upon entering the girl's bathroom, I spotted Saiki, Saiko, and Teruhashi all standing together in the middle of the restroom.

It appeared Saiko was eagerly courting Teruhashi again. Teruhashi was predictably rejecting Saiko, and Saiki was pretending to be asleep. What the fuck did I just walk into?

They all instantly turned and looked at me surprised. Why are they surprised?! I am the one surprised here!!

"Ah... I'll just use the restroom upstairs," I said quickly, trying to promptly make my way out of the room.

"Y/N wait!!" Teruhashi exclaimed clutching my arm preventing my escape. Oh God why me? This is so awkward.

"Y/N is almost just as pretty as I am! Why don't you go out with her instead? After all... I am in love with Saiki." Teruhashi mumbled the last sentence looking down to the ground all flustered.

Ah yes yes yes. Moneyman, please choose me!! Saiko examined me up and down. Jeez, this feels rather violating.

"This girl is not on par with you Teruhashi. I will win you over no matter what! If all else fails, she'll be my back up plan!" Saiko said in rage as he stomped out of the bathroom.

"I'm so so sorry for throwing you under the bus like that Y/N!!" Teruhashi hastily apologized. "I just panicked and didn't know what else to do." She massaged the back of her neck getting flustered once again.

"It's alright Teruhashi. Besides I have been thinking about getting with him and using his money ever since he set foot in our classroom. If anything you helped me out!" I smiled at her reassuringly, and she smiled right back at me.

Meanwhile, I noticed Saiki in the back looking absolutely fed up and not wanting to have to pretend to be asleep anymore.

"Come on Teruhashi! Let's go finish lunch before it ends!" I grabbed her hand with a smile and dragged her to the lunchroom.


Yare Yare.

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