Just Making Sure

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"I-Isabella?" Phineas knocked gently on the door. His jacket was a bit wrinkled so he smoothed it out, knowing it would drive her batty all day.

"Yeah? Hold on! Don't open the door!" She slammed against it and startled the redhead. "Sorry! It's just, you know what they say..."

"I know... " He smirked. "But you're just so pretty!" He crooned. "My pretty Izzy. I just wanna look at my princess."

"Phineasss!" She giggled and tried to keep from touching her face. "Stop it, you're making me blush! Why are you here again? Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"Yeah, but I have something to ask..." He leaned his forehead against the door, hearing her shuffle.

Isabella looked at the clock. "Uhm," She coughed out a laugh. "We should really hurry up, but, yeah okay, okay babe. Go ahead."

He was silent for a moment, his breathing shaky and nervous before he said, "I just wanted to know... If you really like me... Like really." He fiddled with his hands, anxiously awaiting her response. Suddenly the door opened a crack and she poked her head out to look him in the eye.

She stared at him intensely, her brows furrowed and head tilted.

Phineas looked on expectantly, awaiting an answer.

"Phineas...." She started.

"It- It's okay if you don't..."

"We have been together for 4 years and are getting married in 10 minutes." She finished.

He let out a breath of relief he didn't know he'd been holding and nodded in understanding. "Okay. Cool." He stepped back from the door. "See you in 9 and a half minutes?"

She smiled. "And counting."

He returned her grin and turned to sprint towards the Chapel. Shaking her head, she shut the door and swooned.

She was going to marry the cutest idiot on the planet.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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