Untitled Part 17

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Following Barnes out of the abandoned building I had no choice but to comply as soon as I put this mask on, I had no doubt that the fail safe that I'd been informed of consisted of some sort of mechanism that would blow me to smithereens as soon as I stepped out of line. How had my life come to this? For over 20 years I had been fighting tooth and nail to bring this man to his knees and now here I was, following his every order. I wonder if my Father had ever even contemplated this being a thing.

"Where are we going?" i asked him but he didn't answer and continued to stalk through the back alley ways. I guess I was still in shock in finding out just exactly who The Winter Soldier was. I had to admit I had never seen this coming, for years I'd believed James Buchanan Barnes to be dead a long with the rest of the world and now here he was, metal armed and very much living and breathing. "Bucky"

"Why do you keep calling me that?" He asked as he checked the next turning for people.

"Because it's your name"

"No its not" Fair enough. What the hell ahd they actually done to him.

"So. Whats the mission soldier" If he wasn't going to respond to his actual name then that is what I would call him.

"We have orders to take out Director Fury" Heart dropping I couldn't convince myself to take another step and he must have noticed the lack of footsteps because he turned to face me, his own mask covering the majority of his face. When had he put that on? Shaking my head he took a few steps towards me and roughly grabbed my arm, yanking me forward.

"I'm not doing it"

"You don't have a choice. You work for us now" He didn't have to remind me twice, I knew where my loyalty was supposed to lie but when you've been forced to do others peoples bidding your entire life it becomes difficult to have loyalty to anything.

"Those same people you work for, the ones giving the commands. Did they ever tell what it is I do? What i was made to do?"

"If you're asking if I know who you are then the answers yes. Didn't you ever think it was strange that every time you got close to me they would pull you back in?" He asked and I raised my eyebrow naturally. I'd never assumed it was done on purpose, I'd just always thought it was incredibly bad timing on the worlds part. Shrugging my shoulders I carried on following him, it was not like I had much of a choice. Coming to the end of the alley way he suddenly stopped and I nearly collided face first into his armour. "You can leave now, I'll come get you when I need you" What? He was going to leave me? Just like that! Holding his hand out for my mask this was unbelievable. Slipping ti from my face i placed it into his hand and within seconds he had completely disappeared from view and I was left alone

"Asshole" Muttering under my breath I guess it was time to have the same conversation I'd had with Clint every time I had to go away to do my thing, though this time I wouldn't be hiding out in some snow encrusted mountains, I would be closer to home, right under everyone's nose. Taking out my phone i pressed his number and let it ring a few times before he picked up the phone. "Hey Hawkeye"

"Clary!  I was going to ring you. Nat, she said you'd been pulled from the mission and been put back into your own project"

"Yeah, got re-assigned this morning"

"Why? You've not been doing that for the for last two years why now?"

"Got a new lead I guess, Hey Clint Listen, this time isn't going to be like the other times. I have to do somethings that I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to come back from"

"What the hell are you on about Clary? How is this time any different from all the other times"

"Because the variables have changed quiet drastically and I don't know whats going to happen" I had absolutely no idea what I was going to. In reality I was now on the side of the enemy because I had no choice but he didn't need to know that right now " I just need you to promise me that you'll say no if they try to bring you in"

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