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🦋Proud destiny🦋


Ruler of wild plum silently listened the report of his spy who was
pleading to forgive tharn fro sake of gulf and the baby growing in
him. Tears roll down from eyes of ruler because due to his decision to
punish his son was facing by gulf and the newly growing baby.
After listening the spy san asked him go and ordered him to keep an
eye on them . yuan was silently seeing his majesty who was seeing the
floor. With great courage yuan moved closed to his majesty sat in
front of him “my majesty, I feel there is something which you know and
hiding from all. And I feel that relate to gulf. My majesty , the
temperament of tharn will kill gulf soon. You in your view is
punishing tharn but tharn is punishing gulf so the sufferer in this
story is just gulf . what gulf get in all this story . nothing just
disgrace of his soul.”
“yuan you are right my son but whatever I have done i ts for
betterment of tharn . I had no choice I really had no choice but my
all hopes are on gulf .you go I want to be alone for sometime.
“if gulf really lost his life then what answer I will give. For making
my house I turn into ashes an innocent soul”.


Gulf was released from wrath of tharn after great pleading. He
prepared bath for tharn and cooked food for him . after serving tharn
and cleaning home tharn called gulf . as gulf appeared in front of
tharn “ give me the money you have I have to go and buy a night of
night people”.
“if I will give you money then from where we will eat. I still not get
any work. If I ll give you money then how we will survive” gulf said
“wow, why you need work to do .. you can easily earn money” tharn said
seductively stepping towards gulf
“ I don’t understand what you want to say” gulf asked fearfully as
stepping backward
“you have beautiful face charming body , whydont you join field of sex
workers . you ll earn easily and we ll be wealthy in few days”tharn
“what are you saying tharn ,I am your wifey and have your baby in my
stomach . and you are thinking to sell me   to other men. How can you
do this with me .”gulf grabbed collar of tharn
But tharn pushed him away grabbed his hair and whispered “ you aren’t
my wifey. It was forced relation . which I accepted . because I want
to live . because if I die then who will cool down the fire of sluts
like you”
“ with great strength gulf freed himself from tharn “ I have blessed
with power to give birth then it doesn’t mean I am slut . what about
you than suppasit you son of ruler why you become a rapist. Listen if
you think that you are superior and I am inferior then see tharn
suppasit you are no more in palace surrounded by money and guards’ but
you totally depend on me from food to clothing and even money for
survival . you are just a burden on this earth . you should commit
suicide. You are a shame even for your father” gulf hardly said
Tharn stepped towards gulf to burn him in his wrath but gulf already
got the action of tharn “don’t think to beat me this time. From the
day I am with you I am facing your wrath your dirty tongue. Every day
I thought that perhaps you may felt shame on you but felt some love
towards baby and me but no . even after two months , from under the
blue shining sun to dark night moon to under roof of this house , not
a single day I felt that I am living with human being but every day
you assured me that I am living with beast . but even calling you a
beast is shame of beast because even beast feel pity sometimes towards
the helpless . tharn suppasit, I am leaving your life for ever . you
are free to live from nowon..with whom it wont matter to me at all. I
with my baby is leaving you for ever .” gulf said and stepped towards
door to leave house .
 “Are you leaving me or going to live with someone else who can spend
money on you cuddle your heart” tharn hissed
 “I still have self respect and dignity. I can live on my own because
I can do any work  to earn livelihood . moreover I am married. Getting
separated doesn’t mean that I cheat my vows I respected you lot . bear
your grudges so you may love me and baby . but all oceans of this
cosmos cant wash the darkness of your heart and sanity of moon cant
purify your soul for me” gulf said
“ no , I wont allow you to leave” tharn said while grabbing the arm of gulf
 “Don’t touch me . don’t ask me to defend myself . you are my husband
.i don’t want to beat you . because you wont survive the wounds got by
my beating and I don’t want to stay to heal you so don’t stop me
.”gulf said and left the house .
After walking few steps a group in uniforms on horses  with spare
horse bow in respect . as the person ride on horse they all ride
behind the person towards  home .


thankyou for reading
i am greatful
to be continue
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🎀proud destiny(complete)🎀 🎀(tharntype🍒mewgulf)🎀by🎀 🎀k.bunny🎀Where stories live. Discover now