10. Life Chooses or You Do

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"Come on, Sensei, I'm allowed a personal life. I've got cancer, not a contagious disease." Yuki whined. Really, she was too much as she lectured him on the severity of the hickeys. "Honestly, they aren't that bad. And they ARE NOT COVERING HALF MY BODY!" Yuki felt a tiny bit embarrassed as his voice climbed. 

Sensei stamped her foot. "I'm trying to save your life, Yuki-chan. You can't play kissy kissy while you're in treatment! It's unhygienic! It will damage your immune system." 

"Bullshit. I'm allowed to have a lover. Are you jealous, Sensei?" Yuki raised an eyebrow? "Do I need a new Sensei??" He shifted on the edge of the bed. It was embarrassing be chastised like a child but he would stand up for himself. "I'm not going to stop living my own life. I've finally got what I want."

"No, you don't." She took a calming breath, followed by another. If this lover helped with her vow to save him... she shook her head. "Just... stay calm. You have tests in a month. Good luck with the new relationship." She dropped the treatment plan on the bed with the discharge form and left. 

Yuki shook his head and stood up, beginning to slowly gather his belongings. He had been here for almost six weeks. Why had he so much stuff! He wanted to be home. This made him tired.

Daiki sauntered into the room with Shota close behind. "Hey Yuki-kun, did you have a fight with Sensei? She didn't even say good bye to us on your last day here?" He walked over to help him pack up his belonging. "Wow, you sure gathered a lot of stuff."

Shota stared at his neck. "Yuki-kun?" His voice rose a bit. "Who were you kissing?"

Daiki stopped what he was doing and stared at Yuki. It wasn't like him not to notice first. Sure enough, since they left yesterday, there for anyone to see, were bold, vivid hickies. "What the fuck, Yuki!" 

He grabbed the top of his polo shirt and pulled it down slightly. They stretched across the top of his collar bone and even went further down. "You look like someone ate you! Who in the hell makes out with a sick man?"

Yuki tugged away, the only response he gave. "It's my business, not yours. Like I told the sensei, I'm allowed a private life. I have cancer, not a contagious disease." Yuki slowly continued to pack. Once finished, he looked up and stared down his two silent friends down. "It's my business. I love you both, you're my brothers, my family. But I need this right now to be for me only. I will tell you when it's time."

Daiki shared a glance with Shota and nodded. "Fine, but I hope someday you will share with us, Yuki-kun. Now, let's get you checked out and home."

Yuki beamed, his true smile, not the one that never met his eyes. "Thanks, guys. Let's go!" Grabbing that damn treatment plan and thrusting the prescriptions into Daiki's capable hands, all of them took some bags and, because Shota knew that they needed laughter, left laughing, left the ward.

 Let's go!" Grabbing that damn treatment plan and thrusting the prescriptions into Daiki's capable hands, all of them took some bags and, because Shota knew that they needed laughter, left laughing, left the ward

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Yuki stared nervously at his closet. He'd never been so nervous. His first official date with Haruto-kun, and he didn't know what to wear. He wasn't sure how Haruto was dealing with all of his stupid requests and he knew that an explanation would have to be given some day, but today, he just wanted to be giddy over finally having a first date with him.

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