Chapter 1. ( Danger lerks.. )

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* Warning This book with contain lots of smut in some chapters. I am just writting this out of pure boredom, so sorry for mistakes. *


Hawks' Pov

I was walking down the ally-way near town, lost in thought as I put my hands in my pockets and closed my eyes. This whole 'Number 2 hero" thing is getting annoying.. I just wish I can not be a hero for one day.

As I was thinking, I didn't notice the figure right in front of me, so I bumped into them and we both fell to the ground. I immediately got up and dusted off my shirt.

"Sorry man, you ok?" I responded holding out my hand to the guy still on the ground.

The guy then smacked my hand out of the way.

"I need help from a petty 'hero' like you."

The man said getting up and walking off.
Well... That was something? I just stood there as I saw the guy walk off.

* Time skip to midnight * 🕛

I had just gotten back to my apartment, I unlocked the door and walked in, shuting the door behind me and jumping onto my bed.

* Sighh * "Jeez, do they really like over working hero's..?"

I Just ignored the thought and sat up. I got up and walked into the bathroom, I took off my 'hero suit' and changed into a black tanktop and light grey sweat pants. I was too tired and lazy to take a shower, I figured I can just take one in the morning.

I set my alarm clock before sleeping.

Dabi's pov

'beep' 'beep' 'beep'

I got woken up by my alarm clock, and smashed my hand onto it, setting it to blue flames, and then rolled over to fall asleep again.

* At 1:00 pm *

"C'mon dabi! Get up you've been sleeping forever you bat!"  A familiar girl voice said, throwing a pillow at my head

"Ugh! Toga!!" I shouted back, sitting up and throwing the pillow back

"Stop sulking and get dressed."

Hawks' pov

Today was my break. ( That I get once a month. ) I decided to get up early and go on a walk, from 10:00 to 1:00.  I walked by a near by food place and stopped there for a food break. I order some chicken and started to eat.. Until I saw that.. Guy.. Again. Or at least I thought it was him, but I saw him with a girl this time, who looked kinda familiar. But I just shook it off and continued to eat.

Dabi's pov ( Sorry I keep switching- )

"You got a crush on that dude or something? You've been starring for awhile.. -"

"What! Um, no the fuck?"

"Oh ok! Then is he your friend "

"No. No.. I just hate him."

"Okayyy.. Then he wouldn't mind if we sit with him!!"

"What!? Toga no!"

Toga started to push me towards him, I hoped he hasn't noticed me yet since I had my hood on. The guy had a weird face on as me and toga sat with him. I mean.. I wouldn't blame him, we look like a bunch of villians.
( Because we are- )

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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