Truest thing in me

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This is a short story about what could of happened in episode 7, this will be told from Mildred's POV. TW- This will have mention of cancer in, who doesn't love reading mildolyn smut scenes that we were never given. Again first time I've done something like this so hope it's okay 😬❤️

I couldn't believe what I was about to do, sitting in front of Gwendolyn's house what had this woman done to me I was like an obsessed puppy with her, she was stuck in my mind all day everyday. First thing on my mind on a morning, every minuet during the day and the last thing on my mind before sleep not that sleep came to me very often. I was pulled from my thoughts when I saw a Man shut the front door holding a suitcase. What was a man doing in Gwen's house the jealousy ripped through my veins, no I didn't have the right to be jealous but it did however gave my the confident to go knock on Gwendolyn's door which she opened immediately, the second Our eyes met my heart stopped oh how beautiful she truly was and how stupid and cruel I had been to deny myself of this beauty and how cruel I had treat Gwen. I smiled softly at her but got nothing in return "I was hoping we could talk" oh how I wanted to hear her voice but Gwen just stared at me and I could see the anger and hurt in her eyes. I was expecting the door to be closed on my face but she stepped aside allowing me into her home allowing us to talk, argue and I caved and told her my feelings which were the truest thing in me and I wanted her to believe me and learn to trust me within time.

Those next few words broke me and kept going round and round my head "because I had an x-Ray yesterday, he wanted to see how my lung was healing and he found a tumor the size of a walnut inside my left breast. And I don't have long" the words echoing around my mind nearly shattering my heart there and then but without even thinking a cupped her cheeks "we will find someone, we will find a doctor" she pulled my hands away from her face 'no you have to stop!" But I wasn't about to give up I adored that woman and I wanted to prove it to her and I wasn't about to loose her before I had even managed to get her. "there is nothing anyone can do'" by this point she had tears dripping down her cheeks and her voice raised, again I cupped her cheeks "okay" I said barley loud enough for her to hear but hoping it would bring comfort " I'm going to find someone, a doctor. We have all the money in the world, we will go to the ends of the earth if we have to." And the words came out naturally again " I love you, do you hear me? I will not loose you" it came out as a whisper I thought she might not of heard me but suddenly Gwendolyn's hand curled around my cheek "oh Mildred, I love you" next thing I knew her lips softly connected with mine and it was like an explosion in my mind her lips were so soft and delicate nothing like I had ever experienced before it was always harsh and rough. My arms snaked round the back of her, her hand tangling in my hair pulling us together and how I felt like melting into a pool on the ground.

I pulled back for a breath drawing a whimper from Gwendolyn's throat, which did something to me I grinned and made eye contact with her when she noticed I was grinning she swatted my shoulder "your not funny Miss Ratched" she touched her forehead with mine "well Miss Briggs the smile that has appeared on your face says other wise, I'm truly sorry Gwen for everything I really do love you and want to move forward with our lives together, building a new one a fresh start" Gwen's lips were back on mine but this time it was a lot deeper than the first time and much shorter "I'd like that very much Darling" the pet name and her hand tangled in my hair and the other one wrapped around my waist sent a bold of lighting through my stomach down to my core... a feeling I had never felt before, and it was all because of this woman in front of me. I wanted to go further with her but I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't know much about sex it was always a disappointing distraction when life got to much and it was always rough and unpleasant till the man had his pleasure and left.

Gwen looked at me "darling what's wrong?" I realised I must of been deep in thought for a while "I must admit Gwen I want to go further with you, more than anything to be quite honest but I have only just kissed a woman never mind... made love to one" her thumb gently stroked my cheek "darling I want you to my goodness I've wanted you since the first day I laid eyes on you, but I want you for everything not just sex that will come in time when your ready". I smiled at her at how loving she really was but I was ready and needed her but felt to embarrassed but the words rolled out before my lips crashed on to Gwen's "I'm ready now Gwen". I felt her smile against my lips before pulling me against her again I Mumbled again her "please Gwen, show me I need you and I'm ready I... please" she pulled away looking at me with such kindness in her eyes "you tell me if it gets to much and we moving to fast okay Mildred I want you for the rest of my life not just tonight". She then took my hand as we walked to the bedroom.

Gwen shut the door and as she tuned round I was on her lips moving fast gripping her tightly causing a moan to spring from Gwen's throat, she started to move me back until my legs hit the bed and I moved up the bed letting my head lie on the pillow and Gwen lightly above me kissing me again, trailing kisses down my neck slowly, unbuttoning my blouse "is this okay Mil?" I couldn't answer properly just nodded and lightly digging my nails into her back causing her to hiss, this feeling was what I thought was the best feeling ever but once again Miss Briggs proved me wrong as she rid me of my blouse and brassier, the cold air hitting my skin before warm soft kissing were placed in between my breasts moving to the left. Gwen's eyes met "am I okay to continue?" I felt like begging her to touch me but all I could manage was a nod, and her lips wrapped around my nipple and I don't no what noise left my mouth but I can safely say I had never made that noise before. My hand gripped Gwen's hair tightly as she paid equal attention to the other side and then slowly kissed down my stomach slowly pulling at my skirt but stopping again waiting for permission, this time I managed a "Gwen please" she chuckled quickly removing any fabric left on my body. Lowering her self neatly between my legs placing a kiss on each thigh moving closing to my core. My mouth went dry as I felt her warm breath on my before a loud moan left my mouth as she made contact with me and I can say this was the best feeling, Gwen was it. Her tongue flicked over me driving me closer to exploding, my eyes started to roll back before I felt to fingers pump into me causing me to moan louder than I think was even possible, my hands pulling at Gwen's hair now, hips rocking up into her hand as she flicked her tongue and circled it over my clit, fingers curling inside of me picking up speed with each second until my body was shaking violently. Slowly Gwen kissed her way back up my body lying next to me, my eyes felt heavy I jumped up "Gwen I don't no how to return" Gwendolyn shook her head "that was good enough for me darling, did it feel okay? Did it make you feel good?" I nodded "good? I didn't no it could feel like. It was amazing Gwen" she stood up removed her clothing and laid back down pulling my top half against her tucking my head under her chin and pulling my leg over hers "then that's good enough for me tonight darling, stay with me tonight?" I nodded and cuddled into her and drifted of to sleep... for the first time in a long time I felt safe while falling asleep and Gwen was next to me holding me instead of her been a thought... my feeling for this woman really is the truest thing in me.

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