A new Adventure

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Mildred had closed that gap with Gwendolyn two months ago, a new love story began. Gwen had been visiting Mildred in her room at the motel but Mildred would mostly go to Gwendolyn Lovely home and sometimes spend the night sleeping wrapped in her loves arms. Mildred awoke this morning feeling nauseous for the 6th day in a row, she sat up taking deep breaths hoping it would pass but after a few seconds she was dashing from Gwendolyn's bed and darting for the toilet bowl quickly locking the door behind her. "Mildred, Darling are you okay in there?" Gwendolyn had woken up and had quickly joined Mildred on the other side of the locked door "yeah I've just woken up feeling a little bit funny, I'm sure it's nothing" but Mildred knew it was definitely something her stomach is currently in knots and her head inside the toilet bowl. Mildred was trying to think of all the possibilities it could be then it dawned on her... she hasn't had her period in over two months... since the man in the motel room. "Please unlock the door Mildred so I can come make sure you okay darling" she pulled herself up enough to unlock the door before her head was back inside the toilet bowl, she felt Gwen's hand on her lower back rubbing circles and pulled Mildred hair back into a low ponytail "there there my darling, what's causing all this?" Mildred sat up and Gwendolyn instantly wrapped her arms around her pulling her backwards. "Gwen I... I.... I haven't had a period since... well at least two months" Mildred felt Gwen laughing from behind "I don't think we have a issues darling" Mildred head dropped "I know we don't Gwenny, but there was that man when I was denying who I was...". Mildred slowly turned round slowly when Gwen didn't answer "Gwen, you still with me" Mildred now on her knees hand on Gwen cheek "Gwen you okay?" Gwendolyn leaned in to her hand and helped Mildred stand up "I'm going to go make coffee, would you like one?" Mildred just shook her head and watched Gwendolyn leave and walk downstairs. Knowing Gwen was probably shocked and if she was pregnant that dark part of her mind told her she would no longer want her got to her so Mildred got dressed quickly and packed her night stuff walking downstairs and leaned against the kitchen door watching Gwen move around the kitchen "I should probably leave" Gwen just nodded her head. Mildred seemed shocked by this because even though them voices was telling her Gwendolyn would want nothing to do with her If she really was carrying a baby it still hurt to see Gwen agree. So Mildred put her night bag in her car and drove back to the hotel and once inside she crawled into bed and sobbed.

Mildred hadn't heard from Gwen in over a week, during this time Mildred had arranged an appointment to find out if she was pregnant which was tomorrow, she was sitting on her bed looking through papers she brought home from work after feeling ill when there was a knock on the door, it was so quiet Mildred swears she is heading things, she lifts herself up from where she was sitting going slightly dizzy from the lack of food she could manage to keep down and feeling dehydrated, she looked through the peep hole and saw Gwen standing there and she froze instantly... "Mildred I know your in there please let me in, I want to apologise and see your beautiful face" Mildred gulped and slowly opens the door allowing Gwendolyn to enter the small room. "Hi Darling, sorry slip of the tongue how are you feeling" Mildred pointed to the couch allowing Gwen to enter further following Gwen to the couch happy enough to sit down as standing while been so dizzy was hard enough never mind Gwendolyn been so close. "How are you Gwen?" Mildred asked not really knowing what else to say, "oh darling I'm okay really I am, I came to make sure you were and apologise I should never of let you walk out that morning" Mildred leaned forward not wanting to be that far from Gwen "I understand Gwendolyn I really do, I hate how stupid I was for even been near that man instead of just accepting who I was and now I'm in this situation and I don't want to loose you..." Mildred was surprised how honest she was being. Gwen rested her forehead against Mildred's " oh Mildred you were scared back then but your not anymore and even if you are carrying his baby I will always be here no matter what you decide". Mildred felt a huge rush of fear hit her... she hadn't even thought about what she would do if she was pregnant as she wouldn't be able to financially support a small child but at the same time she would not put her child into the Forster system. The fear turned into tears and she felt Gwen wrap her arms around her and she scooted over and curled up in a ball on Gwendolyn lap "I don't know what I'm going to do it I am Gwen" Gwen ran her fingers through Mildred's hair comforting her "When do we find out my darling" Mildred looked up at Gwen "we?" The older woman looked down at Mildred and placed soft kisses on her forehead "I meant what I said Mildred I will be here for you and if there is a little one him or she aswell, we will figure it out won't we". Mildred was now sobbing but caught Gwen's lips with hers and tangled her hand in her hair "I love you so much Gwendolyn Briggs".

Gwen had stayed the night with Mildred and had held her all night, that morning Mildred got dressed and while she was getting ready Gwen made some breakfast encouraging Mildred to eat, she pushed and poked at her breakfast but managed some which pleased Gwendolyn a little bit. The woman drove to Gwen's house so she could quickly get a change a clothes before they set of towards the hospital. The car journey was very quite not tense but not calm either, Gwen took Mildred's hand and rested it on Mildred's lap "I know today is going to be difficult Millie but I promise I'm not going anywhere we will face this together" Mildred only managed a smile greatful of Gwen been here but still very scared of the out come. Mildred felt like they had been sitting in that waiting room for what felt like hours, she couldn't even reach over and hold Gwen's hand for comfort then her name was called and the two women stood up receiving a funny look of the doctors questioning the pair of them but getting a death glare from Gwen stoped him in his track.
"So Miss Ratched if you'd like to lie down let's see if you have a little life growing in there shall we" Mildred pushed herself up and laid down and allowed the doctor to check... "well miss there's definitely life growing in there, congratulations" Mildred nodded and darted out before the doctor had chance to talk to her and left Gwen behind.
After a few minuets She joined the younger woman in the car "Mildred you shot of like a light, they said you needed to keep hydrated and a balanced diet" Mildred just nodded and kept her head down not speaking, she hadn't even noticed Gwen had taken her back to her house "come on Mildred let's get you inside and a glass of water or some coffee into you my darling" she took Mildred hand and helped her out of the car and into the house leaving her sitting on the couch making her both drinks and a sandwich, when she walked back into the front room she saw Mildred with a hand over her stomach with a tear running down her check "Gwen... what if I'm not good enough or I hurt it" Gwen stepped forward "hey My darling girl none of that everything is going to be okay" she sat down next to Mildred pulling her head into her lap one hand tangling in her hair "I know this seems scary Millie but we are going to do this together" she placed a hand on Mildred's stomach, Mildred lacing her fingers and resting her hand on top before continuing "you can come live here I don't want you living in a motel while pregnant and certainly don't want our child living in a cold damp place like that..." Gwen's next sentence was cut of as Mildred's lips crashed against hers "do you mean in Gwen when you say our child?" Gwen lifted Mildred's chin until Mildred was kneeling next to her, Gwen looking straight into her eyes "Mildred Ratched I want nothing more than to raise this little human with you no matter how difficult it's going to be, it will a new Adventure I love yous both so much already".

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