Chapter 14

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I woke up with Nash's arm wrapped protectively around my waist. I got up and went to go take a shower. I still can't believe Nash is my boyfriend. Last night was so special I would never forget it. I grabbed all my stuff. Then when I was done I walked out and the boys were still sleeping so I decided to mess with them. I put some syrup
down on the floor then put down ice cubes while I was at it. Now to put my plan in action, I screamed which caused them all to jump and come towards me. On the way they were so shocked they didn't notice my trap and they all fell. I took out my phone and took pictures including a video. I knew one day this would come in handy. I burst out laughing which only got a groan from them. They all got up looking mad so I tried to make a run for it but Nash already brought me down and smeared some syrup on me.

"Come on I just took a shower" I protested.

"Well next time it'll teach you not to mess with sleeping hormonal boys" Nash said smirking.

I got up and went to go change my clothes, when I cleaned up the mess. After I was done, the boys were already dressed so we went down to the lobby to have breakfast.

"Hey Sapphire, I'm picking up Shai from the airport later today if you want to come?" Glinsky asked.

"OMG YASSS I'm definitely coming to pick her up, finally I can meet her." I exclaimed.

"Ok calm down I'll text you when were leaving" He responded.

After breakfast we all separated and went our own ways except Nash and I. We went back to our hotel room to chill.

"So you excited to go meet Shai today?" Nash asked.

"Ya of course, Jack is actually in love which I never expected after his past of being a player" I said.

"Trueeee dat" Nash said in a ghetto voice which got a laugh from me.

"So I was wondering if you'd want to go on a date with me tonight?" Nash asked.

"Ya what time?" I asked excitedly

"Around 7pm, wear something comfortable not fancy." he said

"K, I will" I responded.

We spent the rest of the time watching a movie, until I got a text from Glinsky telling me to meet him in the lobby. Finally I was going to meet Shai.

We got into the limo, after about thirty minutes we arrived at the airport. I literally sprinted out of the car just to meet her. Jack ran up to a girl and picked her up and twirled her around. You could see in his eyes he was really in love. They did more of they're lovey dubey couple things. Then Jack turned around and introduced me to her. She was really nice and pretty. No wonder Jack fell for her.(a/n SHAI JUST BECAUSE I SAID THIS DOSENT MEAN ITS TRUE?!?!?! Hahahaha)
Shai and I instantly hit off and I could tell we were gonna be great friends and sister in laws. When we got back to the hotel Jack introduced her to all the guys they hit it off too except some of the guys kept checking  her out which got glares from Glinsky. Thank God Shai was staying in our room and I wouldn't be the only girl now. It was already 6:00pm so I needed to get ready for my date with Nash. Shai asked if she could help me and of course I let her. I told her I was suppose to wear something comfortable and not fancy. She picked out a skater skirt with a cute sweater and boots to match. She did my hair and I had to admit I looked good. We finished at 6:58pm with 2 minutes to spare a moment later we heard a knock on the door and I knew it was Nash. He was dressed in a nice shirt, khakis, and Vans. He looked good to be honest almost better then me. I said bye to Shai and Jack and grabbed Nash's hand he held out for me. We got into the limo and 10 minutes later we arrived at the movie theaters. Did I mention I love movies like adore them especially if they're horror or romance. We got in line and Nash bought us tickets to Incidious. I had to admit I was pretty scared but Nash reassured me he would be my teddy bear if I got scared. We went up to the concession stand and Nash paid for everything. What a true gentle man. I got a box of skittles and a lemonade. He also got a box of skittles with a Mountain Dew. We both decided to share a large popcorn because we both knew I would be too jumpy the whole time barely eating any of it. On the way to our section the worst thing ever could of happened. Alexandra. She was one of the girls from Nash's clique who bullied me and was one of his exes too. In other words she is a backstabber and the slut of the school. She turned to us and glared at me then seductively looked at Nash.

"So what are you doing here with this whore?" Alexandra asked.

Before Nash could say anything I cut him off.

"Look who's talking the slut of the school, actually has another use for her mouth" I shot back at her.

She gasped not expecting that from me. I grabbed Nash's hand and led him to our section before she could say anything else. We sat down in the back and let the movie begin. I was already jumping and we were only 20 minutes into the movie. Nash then whispered I'm my ear that he was there and everything's alright. I swear after this movie I'm not going near a mirror anytime soon. My drink was empty so Nash volunteered to get me a refill. I gladly gave it to him and he went to go get me another refill. The whole time Nash was gone I just hid my face in my jacket, waiting for him to return. About 30 minutes later Nash still hadn't returned so I decided to go look for him. When I got out and found him, my heart nearly stopped he was kissing the back stabbed slut named Alexandra my heart stopped. I just stood there frozen he turned around with an apologetic look in his eyes and she just smirked at me.

"N-Nash how could you do this to me you promised" I stuttered out.

Sapphire I'm sor- before he could finish she butted in.

"Nash honey" she said with an evil grin. now tell Sapphire that your with me now" she said like nothing at all was wrong.

"S-Sapphire I'm with Alexandra now" he said looking down".

"Nash noo please you promised you wouldn't hurt me please don't do this" I said tears rushing down my face.

"Sapphire I'm sorry" he said looking hurt.

"No Nash your not and I thought you were different" I said now crying. I turned around and just ran out into the street in any direction. My phone vibrated and I looked down and I had a text. I wiped the tears from my eyes blurring my vision and read it.

From unknown

Hahaha it's good to see you you've grown up so fast. Remember I told you I would get you if you told. xoxo

I started shaking I didn't know what to do all I remember were voices that sounded like Johnson's and Cameron's telling me to say awake then I saw black.

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