Chapter 3

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Sitting straight up in bed I look around my room, taking in the cream walls and the sun that is slowly coming in through the windows. Then laying back down on my fluffy white sheets I close my eyes and think back to the dream. Only it isn't a dream; it is a memory.

I always wake up at the same part. I can't ever remember what happens next. I know that a long time after the men leave I crawl out of the rabbit hole and make it the 2 miles back home to my awaiting pack. It took me hours to get home because I didn't have any energy left to change back to my wolf. Plus the contestant climbing up the mountain side didn't help much.

By the time I did make it home everyone there knew that mom was dead and they all thought they took me with them. They looked at me as if they saw a ghost. I probably looked like a ghost with my messy untamed brown curls with twigs sticking out, my torn clothes, and blood and dirt covered skin. I remember being in an arm and leg cast for a while. But I was lucky to still be alive.

Since then I promised to find the men and get revenge. I can't clearly remember the men's faces but the boys face is edged into my mind forever and so is his name, Colton. His green eyes are still fresh in my mind as if it had happened yesterday. He seemed too nice to ever be with those people and whereever he is I wonder if he remembers me. The hunters never stay in one place for long, you can never tell where they are headed next and no one knows who they are.

I jump as this annoying beeping fills the entire room and my dad's assistant, Julie, walks in after knocking once. Without saying anything to me she walks over to my closet and starts looking though my clothes. After several minuets of looking she steps back holding a short black skirt and a white shirt with sleeves that go down to my elbows. Walking over to my bed with the clothes she sets the outfit down and goes to my window and opens the blinds.

"Time to get ready Mia, you don't want to be late for school." she sounds way too cheerful for this early in the morning. After looking at the small clock on my night stand and reading the tiny numbers that say seven I throw the blankets back over my head only to have them taken off of me completely.

"Good thing I sleep in clothes or you'd be seeing a whole lot more of me then you want right now." I joke even though she knows I would never sleep like that. "So are you ready for the meeting tonight"

" Mia I have had to get you ready for school since you were a pup I know how you sleep. Sadly I won't be able to make it. I fly out this afternoon to visit my mom. She isn't doing well and I want to go before its to late." she goes into my bathroom that is connected to my room and turns the hot water on. She knows me way too well but I guess that would happen since she is like my mom.

I do as I'm told and take my clothes and step into the bathroom and strip. Stepping into the hot water I slowly begin to wake up and let my mind wonder.

Julie has basically raised me since that horrible day out in the woods. Julie is my dads assistant but she went way beyond her job when she stayed with me for weeks while dad tried to get me a nanny. I was a very stubborn child and refused every nanny dad got me saying that I wanted Julie. Then it just became official when she let me go with her on trips to town. She is the reason I am who I am today. Yes I still have dad, but running a pack takes a lot and he's gone most days. I can't blame him for it because he has a lot to do and one day that will be me.

I am the future alpha of my pack. Normally the Alphas first son will be the next in line to take over once they turn 18 but my mom died before they could have a boy or any other child. So that just leaves me to take charge.

There have been other female Alpha but not many and none rule over a large pack or a pack that holds so much importance. Most people don't like the idea of a girl being the leader so they leave the pack. With that being said, I can't wait to see how they take it when my dad announces that I will be in fact be taking over. Sometimes when this happens and the Alpha doesn't have a boy to take over he will have a close relative take over for him. But dad has told me that he wants the alpha blood to continue to run in our direct family. He plans on announcing that tonight at our pack meeting.

Stepping out of the shower I quickly dress and apply some natural makeup. Not having time to wait for my hair to dry I just brush through it and will have to let it dry natural. My hair normally looks good with its soft lose curls that fall just above my waist. Hopefully it looks at least decent today.

Leaving the bathroom I notice that Julie has already went down stairs to hopefully find me something to eat. I stop moving for a second and just stand there. I smell the lovely scent of bacon frying and hear the sizzling as it cooks in the pan. Werewolf's have amazing hearing and smell. Our eye sight isn't as good as vampires but its better then normal humans and we can run just as fast as vampires.

I go down the three flights of stairs to find Julie standing by the stove making me food. One of the reasons that I love meeting days is because I can always count on her making me a good breakfast. She thinks that I'll need all the energy I can get to make it through school and then meeting. Most other days I have to either make myself something or just have something from the pantry. Julie says its because I'm old enough to make my own food and that she doesn't want to have to make food for the other kids.

Living in the pack house has its up and its downs. No one is ever truly alone being as there are 5 adults, 13 teenagers, and 3 babies living here. Its mostly teens because they are the people that want to get out of their parents house but don't have their own house for one reason or another. Same for the adults and their families. Of course Julie, dad, and I live here. There are also many other extra rooms for those who just need a place to crash or for other alphas when they come to visit.

Grabbing my food from Julie I take a seat at the kitchen bar and eat in silence. Once I finish I place my plate and fork into one of the three dishwashers and go to the huge family room. Avery is waiting there like normal for me to finish and go to school. We hop into my cute blue car and head to school.

Avery is one of my best friends and someone I consider family. She has always been there for me even when I was going through some hard times. She is my other half. Being 5'6 she towers over my short 5'2 self. She is really pretty with her clear blue eyes and bleach blonde, stick straight hair. We are polar opposite in our appearances so its clear we are biologically related. I have gold eyes and copper brown, curly hair. Not to mention my tan complexion next to her pale one. She is also two years older then I am like all of my other friends.

School seems closer then normal today and we make it there in record time.  Well time to greet the same people that I've been going to school with for years. Stepping out of the car I notice a tall guy with blond hair that I don't think I've seen before. This being such a small town and me being future alpha I know everyone and I can tell right away that this guy is new. He was just standing in the middle of the parking lot looking around. Something about him seems familiar, like I know him from somewhere. Just then he turns and I freeze as his green eyes lock with mine.

It's him.

*** The picture is of her room. If you have any questions of concerns please let me know. Thank you soooo much for reading it this far!***

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