"Bill POV" why is it so boring Bella yellls "Because your here" fuck you. Ok so welcome back to the loser club Morgan "loser" hey were in a group called the losers Morgan "oh yeah".
"Bill POV" we gave Bella coffee and now she's insane please help "faint laughing". Chunky and thick Oliver "shutup" you. Lili "why doht we all" Bella "good idea" new news shutup that's all for the day and were out. Oh yeah Bella is at 100mph right now Morgan "make that 200" shit! Update the thingy broke so now we can't track her spead. All of us " bye Ms.Tera".
Ok so were back and Ms.Tera got kittens to foster thier so cute we are going to give you updates on the kittens bye.
/one week later/
Um bad news Snowball oh yeay the white one died two days before the medicine got to where we are. Oh ya the pink nos3 tabby cat is dianna the black nose tabby is Sweet Creature. Lastly the black and white one is Duffy. The rest are good I might get Dianna "faint crying".
/One week later/
Ok so I'm getting Dianna yay! Oliver is getting Sweat Creature Oliver "yay"
/one more week/
Well now Sweat Creature died Bella "why" Bella*Takes camera*." Bell POV" Well now Oliver is getting Duffy.
/two weeks later/
Sorry about not updating you but now I have had Dianna for one week and its awesome Oliver *steals camera* Oliver POV Duffy is insane like he is going 70mph right now. "Bill POV" well that is all about the cats next time we have a crazy stort we will tell you. Lili "why you so cocky" *Turns of camera at 70mph*. Lili :Why you so cocky"shutup well i dont like curly loser Bella "the camera is not of" *Makes sure to turn of camera*.

The life of the losers
AdventureThe club of the losers ft Bella ,Bill ,Oliver, Lili, Roberto