Who am I? (1)

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Hi Lilly20152015 here hope you enjoy my story so here we go chapter 1!

I sat there staring at the news.....I couldn't believe, there was no way this happened. It shouldn't. It couldn't!

I jumped out of bed, I looked around. God, just a nightmare.. phew. I made the bed and walked downstairs.

"Hi hun!" My Mother always woke up early. How could she do that? I counldn't do that.

I sat down and ate the peanut butter and jelly sandwich my Mom made me. "Here's your lunch, and your tea."

"Thank's Mom."

"Hey Rose" Dad kissed my Mom on the cheek, like he always did when he woke up.

"And my beautiful daughter Kira here will be 18 next week!"

I blushed "Thanks Dad"

My dad was a humerous guy but he did work as a buisness man. My Mom on the other hand was a stay at home Mom.

"Mommy, Mommy!!"

My brother Danny ran down the stairs and jumped into my Mothers arms.

"Good morning danny!" The whole family had to say it to him.

"Mommy I'm 6 today!"

My Mom smiled "I know" she kissed his cheek.

"I'm gonna go get dressed"

I walked up the stairs.

I took out my black skinny jeans and a navy cardigan with a blue plain V cut shirt.

I also took my white socks and put dark blue uggs over them.

I grabbed my black shoulder school bag and went downstairs.

"I'm gonna go Mom."

"Oh but dear its only 6:55"

"I know I wanna stop at Andrew's house."

My Mom flashed a smile. "Ofcourse Kira here's your lunch."

I put my lunch in my bag and opened the door.

Danny waved through the window as I walked down the Avenue.

I arrived at Andrew's house and rang the doorbell.

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