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Third person P.O.V.
Months passed like weeks, and weeks like days, and days like hours. Izuku was soon 1 and was crawling all over the place, he seemed to like being able to move without the help of people, he still only spoke babbles, but made half words. They wanted to send him to a daycare to make friends, but it was very dangerous for all of them, plus he couldn't even make words yet.
"P-A-P-A!" He sounded out the word very slowly trying to say the full word. "Pa-Po" He said smiling, probably proud he got very close, Shiggy was very proud with how far he had come with his words. "Papo! Papo!" He yelled, holding his arms up in the air. "Papo! Papo! Papo!" He continued, he was quite proud, Toga turned the corner to see the one year old yelling Papo, trying to say Papa. She giggled and sat down next to Shigaraki.
"Can you say, T-O-G-A?" She asked, sounding out the name slowly.
"Twooo-gah!" It sounded more like a babble or one of the occasional gahs, and the To- part was pronounced very very long, but this was the closest he's ever gotten, so Toga clapped.
"Good job Izu!" Her smile got wider when she saw Izuku clapping along with her, Shigaraki just watched, as the two had fun. There was then a knock at the door, which made everyone turn to it. Izuku made a coo sound, as the curious baby tried to get closer, but Shigaraki picked him up.
"DETROIT-" All of the villains' faces went pale. They had a baby with them, god this wasn't good. Izuku was handed to Toga who got into a beetle position to protect the same curious bundle of joy. "SMASH!" The hero All Might smashed through the wall, hurting the small baby's ears and he started to cry.
"No..." Shigaraki whispered, Heroes filled the base. Toga stood up holding the baby close to her protecting him.
"Shiggy what do we do?!" She yelled, tears filling her eyes. Shigaraki didn't answer, he made a signal for Dabi to put up a fire wall. When he did he grabbed Izuku 'bunbun' or his stuffed bunny, and they started running with Izuku in Toga's arms. Izuku continued to cry because he was scared of the whole situation. They needed to get to a safe place where they could check if he was hurt anywhere. Toga nearly fell off the roof multiple times, but they kept running regardless. The heroes were right behind them, they couldn't stop now. Iida THE CLASS REP kept up with them from the ground, the villains realized that the heroes didn't know they had a baby yet, which means they won't hold back attacks. They all could feel their hearts sinking deeper and deeper. They all know that if Izuku gets hurt, they'll all go ballistic, or if he's taken away from them. Bakugou appeared in front of them after using his quirk to get ahead.
"Gacha now..." Bakugou whispered. Shigaraki was in a state where he couldn't think, he needed to help Izuku and not get them hurt at the same time. They all froze, Toga looked down at the small crying green fluff. Then she looked at Dabi worried, Toga had been holding Izuku in her coat to hide him and shield him from attacks.
"Toga..." Shigaraki whispered, and Toga looked at him. "Hold on..." He said again, instantly Toga shielded the baby's head, Shigaraki took off his glove, and put his hand on the building they were standing on, making the whole thing crumble. Toga broke her leg from the impact to the ground, but because of her Izuku wasn't hurt, well that they knew of, Dabi broke an arm, and shiggy broke a few fingers and a leg. Toga held on to the baby and crawled to a corner, she took him out of her coat starting to check for any wounds, and luckily he was fine, a few bumps and bruises, and maybe a scratch here and there but nothing too bad. Heroes filled the space they were in, but the way the villains bundled into the corner somewhat concerned them. Shigaraki gave Izuku his stuffed bunny. Dabi was wiping tears and trying to get him to stop crying, and Toga was holding him double checking for any worse wounds than a scratch.The heroes heard soft crying, making them think Toga was crying, which she was, but she wasn't the one they heard. As they slowly got closer, Dabi stood up and put himself protectively in between the villains and the heroes. None of them were in a good state, and they needed to get out of there now, or it was game over. When Toga looked up she was horrified, they were going to take him away from them... they haven't even done anything wrong since they got Izuku, they had been too busy taking care of him, missions were really them just going out to get food. Toga held the baby closer, begging they wouldn't take him away. She put him back in her coat as he held on to his plush with all of his baby muscles. Somehow the heroes still hadn't noticed the baby. Todoroki let his ice fly at them, and Dabi encountered with his fire. The villain's only goal was to get Izuku out of there. Midnight removed her sleeve, as heroes held their mouths so they weren't affected. The villains soon got tired, but Toga kept fighting to stay awake, while Dabi and Shigaraki gave in. The heroes walked up to her, seeing Toga hold the small moving thing in her coat, when they tried to move it she let out a sound much like a growl too move away. They ignored her and moved the coat to see the crying baby who was still somewhat awake.
"Awwwwh! What are cutie!" Midnight yelled, she reached for the baby, but Toga put her arm over him.
"Don't... take him... from us..." She managed to say, Midnight glaced up at her, she was scowling in both pain, anger, and worry.
"And why not?" Endeavor came up from behind Midnight.
"He'll go... ballistic...." She whispered, but only loud enough to barely hear.
"Twoo-gah?" Izuku said slowly, trying to say the name right, looking up at his 'aunt'.
"Y-yeah?" She asked looking down at him, he quickly realized she was in pain, and was worried and sad at the same time.
"N-nu!" He said reaching up to pat away the small tears running down her face. "N-nu s-sawd!" He said, now crying harder than before, worried about one of the people he had grown to love.
"I-i'm f-fine Izu..." She managed to get out once again, Izuku cuddled into her side, crying worried about her, he held onto her shirt and his stuffed bunny, as she put both of her arms over him. The heroes said nothing, just stared, how could this child not be scared of them? Toga couldn't take it anymore and passed out, and Izuku had cried himself to sleep. Midnight picked up the child who was still holding on to the small bunny plushie.
"Well..." Midnight spoke brushing some hair out of the small child's face. "What should we do?" She asked the other heroes. They looked at the baby who was softly snoring.
"You heard what the girl said." Aziawa said, making all of the heroes and heroes in training turn to him, having no idea what he meant. "Let them stay with him. She said they'll go ballistic, and we don't need that." He told them with a shrug, and eyes went wide.
"Sir! Is that smart?!" Iida THE CLASS REP asked, and Aziawa rolled his eyes.
"You saw how she reacted when Midnight tried to pick him up, they also ran away and protected him. So why not?" It wasn't a good point, but if they truly cared about this baby, just like she said, they'll go crazy.

-A few hours later-
1365 words

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