~Gojo~Did I do something?~

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~(Y/N) POV~
Sweat dripping down my forehead.

My breathing heavy and unsteady.

I could barely focus through the amount of sweat and my now messing fringe interfering with my vision, it didn't help that whenever I did manage to finally see through the result of a harsh match. His stupidly smug face, not even working up a single sweat while I'm over hear producing enough to drown myself.

"Tell me you aren't actually finding this tiring." I try to look at his face as he made the snaky comment but my body is so fatigued from the last 20 minutes of fighting I couldn't look at him for longer than a few seconds. I was still able to put together his facial expression after a few glances. It was a wide grin that could only be produced by a egotistical jerk and his eyes were like daggers staring into my soul but were able to tear up my entire confidence of winning. The second I actually was able to glance at his eyes before this match through his tinted shades, I knew that backing down would've been more beneficial.

"HAHA, I thought you were stronger than this! Come on give me a real fight" going into a position to show that any mercy that he had for me was completely gone and was ready to take away a persons life with just a single glance of his piercing blue eyes. It was like being in a little row boat in a raging sea with no chance of survival.

This man, the most powerful man known to be in the last 1000 years was...

Satoru Gojo

"A REAL FIGHT! Really was this just a mere child's game to you? Alright I'll make sure theres at least bloody dripping from that stupidly over-confident face of yours." I say readjusting my posture to look more intimidating but I'm inside I'm just hoping to make it out without any broken limbs.

"YEAH, that's the spirit! Come on then make my nose bleed, knock out a tooth COME ON!" Gojo begins to yell to make it clear that my threat was just another stick being thrown into the raging flame fuelling his ego.

As I use the staff that I was given to help even out my chances of winning this unfair game, as I'm saving to use my jujutsu at the perfect moment to cause any harm to the white haired figure. I proceed to run at him as he stays in the position to show his seriousness of making this a proper fight. When I'm only 2 feet from running straight into Gojo I use my staff to vault over top of him to avoid any of his tricks and 'attempt' to kick him in the back. Key word in that statement was 'attempt' as it did catch him of guard but was able to react at insanely fast time to grab my leg and fling me out of the arena and right towards a tree.

I didn't feel anything until I landed harshly on the ground to only then realise how much my body impacted the tree as I was able to feel a sticky substance from my back. To only further see that there were chunks of bark being logged into my body causing me to scream out in pain, as all my sense begun to start settling back into reality.

"Did I do something?" I hear a very distorted voice say which I can only guess to be Gojo wondering if his action was bit out of hand. My breathing became more unstable as I'm trying to cope with the immense amount of pain and my entire body becoming more weak as the longer I tried to get up. I hear slight slight shuffling of feet before turning into the more more hurried steps towards my general direction I could only assume. As my vision becomes more hazy and my hearing fuzzy I can hear... Gojo? I think yelling out my name, I wasn't to sure as everything went limp and dark.

~Gojo POV~
As I was brushing off my self of any dirt from that attack that was attempted by (Y/N) before I shut it down. It felt good being able to become a bit tired from a fight as it doesn't happen to often out in the field I go to ask (Y/N) about how they were able to fight for so long before...

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