Chapter One: Journey to Hogwarts

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Albus Severus Potter sat back in his seat after waving farewell to his father and mother. Rose Weasley sat across from him, a book open in her lap. She had inherited her fathers fiery red hair, and her mothers wit. So, of course, she was reading. The copy of Hogwarts: A History had just opened and Rose was already engrossed in her novel. Albus rolled his eyes. Typical Rose, never caught without a book.

"Hey, Rose, Do you want to wait to get to school before studying and reading like a madwomen?" She gave him a confused look.

"Of course not." Albus sighed. This was going to be a long trip.

Several older students walked by Albus' and Roses' cabin on the Hogwarts express, and each time they looked in and stared at Albus. He had expected some attention from the other students, considering the fact that he was the son of the famous Harry Potter. Though Rose did not seem to notice.

"Rose?" Albus inquired.

"Yes?" Rose answered, finally looking up from her book.

"Are you at all frightened of not getting in to Gryffindor and ending up somewhere else?" You could here the edge in his voice, Rose could see he was truly worried.

"Albus," Rose said in a comforting tone, so much like her mothers. "You know your father doesn't care about where you end up house- wise, and besides, what's wrong with ending up anywhere else?"

"I guess you're right," Albus looked down. "But-"

"No buts!" Rose exclaimed. "You'll end up in a house, and whether it's Gryffindor or Slytherin, you are going to like it." Albus was stunned, he mumbled a "you're right" and looked out at the rolling British countryside. Little did he know, Rose was thinking the exact same thing, and she was terrified, though the expression on her face hid it quite well. Her father was joking when he said "If you're not in Gryffindor, we'll disinherit you," but she took it to heart.

She bit down on her lip and looked down to her novel. What if she was in Slytherin, or Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff, and not in Griffyndor? James would certainly never let her live it down, nor would Fred. However, she had to be strong for Albus, they were family after all, and even though they were the same age, and cousins, Rose thought of herself as an older sister to him.

A gruff voice interupted her deep thoughts: "Anything from the trolley, dears?"

Albus looked away from the window, and up at the woman hunched over a majestic trolley of goodies. He bolted up, and dug in his pocket for some change to buy candy. Rose simply returned to her book, not feeling like a chocolate frog, afraid she couldn't keep it down.

"I'll take one chocolate frog, please." Albus handed over the right amount of galleons and sat down in the plush seat, again.

"Please, please, please," Albus muttered. Rose looked up expectantly, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

When Albus finally managed to open the package, he stuffed the magical candy in his mouth all at once. Rose flashed a disgusted look at her cousin.

"Boys," she said in an annoyed tone. Albus flashed her an amused look.

"Ugh!" Albus cried, as he looked at the card in the package. "Not another one!"

Rose giggled "'Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived' again? I swear he's on every single one of those cards!"

Rose and Albus laughed for awhile. Eventually, Rose returned to reading and Albus fell asleep. Soon he was awoken by his cousin shaking him.

"Al. Al? Wake up, and get your robes on!" Albus opened his eyes and saw the flaming mane of red hair above him.

"Huh?" Albus said, still groggy from his nap.

"We're here."

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