Chapter 2: The Sorting Ceremony

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Albus and Rose climbed into a boat together. Then Rubeus Hagrids' low, distinct voice rang out over the chattering first years.

"Four to a boat, firs' years, four to a boat." Two more first year students, that seem to have known eachother, climbed into the boat as well. They introduced themselves as Meghan Barker and Hannah Meyer. After exchanging a pleasent greeting, the girls returned to their conversations about what house they think they'll get into. Albus slumped in his seat as the boat took off from the shore. He was still scared of where he would end up. Rose was thinking the same thing as the small boat, just big enough for the small eleven year olds sailed.

The boat rolled across the Black Lake. The lake was smooth as glass, and dark as night. Rose and Albus looked at eachother, exchanging reassuring smiles. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft And Wizardry looked awe- inspiring beneath the full moon and the twinkiling stars. Rose gasped she had never seen anything so wonderful before.

"It's magnificent, Al." Albus could only nod his head, still staring at the gigantic castle that stood in front of him.

Albus and Rose walked with the two girls that sat in their boat up to Hogwarts. They walked up to the large, wooden doors,and strolled in to their new home for the next year.


Hagrid quickly briefed the first years on what they would encounter in the Great Hall: the houses, students, teachers, and the Sorting. Hagrid pushed open the doors to the Great Hall. Albus spotted James sitting with his friends at the Gryffindor table and then looked over at the Slytherin table, a knot tied in his stomach.

They walked down the hall between two tables. The older students were watching them, deciding amongst themselves where each one belonged. Professor Neville Longbottom, head of Gryffindor, was holding a frayed hat. It was old, ratty, and looked like it could fall apart at any moment.

The Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall, sat in the chair in the middle of the long, mahogany table with teachers on each side of her. Professor Longbottom also held a list containing the names of each student getting sorted. The Sorting Hat had started to sing, but Albus could not hear over the roaring in his ears. The sound of heavy applause filled the room, bringing Albus away from his thoughts.

"I will read out the names on the list. When you hear your name come up to the front, and sit on the stool. Then, I will place the hat on your head, once it sorts you, join your house." Professor Longbottom proclaimed. A shiver went down Albus' spine.

"Allen, Oliver." A tall boy with long, black hair stumbled up to the stool and sat down. Professor Longbottom placed the hat on Olivers' head. After a moment it screamed "HUFFLEPUFF!"

He breathed a sigh of relief and joined the clapping Hufflepuff table. Professor Longbottom looked at his list.

"Barker, Meghan." He called. The girl that Albus and Rose had sat with on the boat walked up to the stool, suttle red hair flowing behind her. The hat covered her eyes. Almost immediately the hat yelled "RAVENCLAW!" She looked happy, and walked to the Ravenclaw table.

Several students were sorted. Marsha Dudletz was placed in Hufflepuff. Rebecca Foster was placed in Gryffindor. Each time someone got sorted it seemed to tighten the knot in Albus' stomach.

Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy was called up to the front. Like his father, he walked confidently up to the stool. He was placed in Slytherin almost instantaneously. He smirked, and walked to the Slytherin table. Like father, like son.

More names were called. Hannah Meyer, the other occupant of the boat, was placed into Slytherin. Aisha Mughal took about three minutes with the Sorting Hat, it couldn't decide whether to put her in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. Eventually, she was sent to Gryffindor.

After what seemed like forever, "Potter, Albus" was finally called. The students beame silent, wondering to themselves where he would be put. He walked up slowly, thinking he wouldn't have to go through with the Sorting if he was slow enough. Professor Longbottom nodded at him as he sat down. The hat was placed on his head, and over his eyes. A low voice echoed inside of his head. "Ah! A Potter! Hm, where to put you... Should you follow your father and brother?" Yes! A voice inside Albus screamed. "However, like your father, you would do well in Slytherin." Albus nearly fell off the stool. He kept chanting in his head. No, no, no, no! "Hmmm...Not Slytherin? You're making a mistake, but if you wish. GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yelled for all to hear.

Albus let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Rose and James were clapping heartily for Albus. He staggered to the Gryffindor table and sat down with James. At last Rose Weasley was called up. The hat went over her eyes and finally decided where she would be put. She prayed for Gryffindor, she didn't want to disappoint her family. However, the hat had other ideas.

It shouted: "RAVENCLAW!"


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