Chapter 2

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For hours on end I would lie in bed and when I finally drifted off to sleep, I'd dream of all the wonderful things I'd get up to in London. I did this every night until I left.

I couldnt believe this was happening. God must love me after all.

However, I had to convince myself to give up my little obsession with Harry.. He'd always been my favourite but I had to I mean, Ash was his girlfriend, and if I didnt get over him, I'd start to loathe her - which I dont want, especially as she's been so nice to invite me to come with her. I suppose its hard for Ashleigh to say no to my mum as she was quite intimidating, but I still like to believe that Ash wanted me to come.

Anyway, its not like I dont have four other boys to get my ins with.

The day came, and surprisingly, I was quite calm. My suitcase was packed, my hair wasn't sticking up everywhere (which is a bloody miracle) and I was on time (another miracle).

I met Ashleigh at the train station, and gave her a thankful hug. "Hi!" I beamed

"Erm, hi," she looked kind of bewildered.

"I'm so excited wow. Thank you so much, again,"

"It's fine so am I." she nodded

Then I heard the rumbles of the triain getting closer, and rolling clouds of grey smoke flew into the air. It came to a halt, and the doors opened. It was actually happening.

We sat down and for a few minutes we looked out, rushing past the trees and rivers. Listening to the trains howling whistle. Then we kind of looked at each other.

"So have you spoken to Harry?" I asked, trying to sound as casual as I could.

Ashleigh shrugged. "Yeah, but only briefly. I mean, we speak every night, but never a full on's awkward on the phone, isnt it?"

"I guess," I murmured. "What is he like in person?"

She blinked at me. "What do you mean?"

"What's his personality...I'm just wondering."

"Oh he's lovely. He's quite funny, and laid back and nice. In school he used to make everyone laugh, but now not so much, he seems to be a little phazed by all the fame."

"Maybe he just really wants to concentrate the competition."

"It's not that...he's more, I don't know, moody, I'm hoping that I can cheer him up though!" she smiled.

If you dont, I bloody will. "Yeah, well, what are the others like?"

"Erm, er...Louis is funny, but a bit weird, y'know? And Zayn thinks he is funny. Liam is nice, but hes pretty blamd and Niall's sort of inbetween them all, but he can be annoying sometimes. Typical boys, right?"

I raised my eyebrows. I felt a bit protective over them, I couldn't believe it, she practically said all the things she hated but sugar coated it. "Yeah, I guess.."

She just shook her head, and then became transfixed on her blackberry, as if it had hypnotised her. She was typing away and I put my ipod in and listened to Goodby Kiss bye Kasabian but I must have slowly fallen asleep.

I was woken Ashleigh trying to tell me we were arriving in ten minutes, and kindly pointed out that my hair was messed up.. I was a bit peeved at first, yet after looking at my reflection I had to admit I looked like I had been dragged through a bush.

I did my best fixing myself, but I was still flattening that one peice of hair, that was gravitating towards the sun, in the car. Someone please explain physics to my hair.

"You look fine, stop messing with it!" Amie said. I couldn't tell if she was being funny or just getting annoyed with me.Then she continued, "oh I think we're here!"

Act natural, and unfreakish. Refrain from doing something that will get you locked up in a mental insititute.

We went through the back door, as loads of fans were waiting outside the front. Ashleigh stormed past them as I called out complimenting one of their posters. They kept calling "Where are you going? Say I love you to Liam for me?"

We knocked on the door, and it swung open to a secrity guard who looked at me for passes

"I, what? umm-"

"Ashleigh Devon." Ash said sternly and showed him a card.

We paced through the corridors and up a flight of stairs until when we reached a door.

Ashleigh knocked on the door and put her sunglasses on her head. Why was she wearing sunglasses ? Its winter and we are inside.

She turned to me and said

"I'd rather you didn't freak out Cassie."

I didn't even have time to get mad at how rudely she had said that because without warning the door swung open.

It seemed that the whole of One Direction were there to greet us - apart from Harry. They sat in large chairs with their phones out. Ash looked a bit miffed, but I was delighted.

"Hi Ash, how've you been?" said Liam, leading us in.

"Good, this is my cousin Cassie by the way, I brought her with me...did you hear?" she replied.

They all turned to look at me, and I looked at them. With their perfect, hair, perfect eyes, perfect clothes, perfect selves. And here I was with my shite make up and hair and general shiteness.

I was just staring at them like some kind of creep. "Hi," I managed to say. "It's nice to meet you all."

"Yeah it's nice to meet you too," they all nodded and smiled, reassuringly.

Ashleigh looked around worryingly. "Where's Harry?" she asked.

"He'll be down in a minute, you know what he's like," Zayn said, while I just stared at him. Oh my god Cassie pull it together.

They were all talking for a few minutes, and I was kind of just sitting there, like that nodding dog, Churchill. That was when Harry came downstairs.

He walked towards us, a bit awkwardly. But he might as well have had wings and a halo, because I swear to god he was glowing.

"Hi Ash," he smiled crookedly and gave her a hug and a quick kiss. It's a wonder I didnt die just then. But then he looked at me.

He came over, so he was like half a foot in front of me. My knee bones may as well have been made of mash.

"So you're Cassandra then, hi" He smiled his dazzling, big, gorgeous smile.

"You can call me Cassie if you like." I said smiling hugely "Its so nice to meet you."

I though I was doing quite well, but after that do you know what I did? I bit my lip. I crumbled like I knew I would. I am a sad excuse for a human.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2012 ⏰

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