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Today was my first day of my fourth year at Hogwarts. I'm a Hufflepuff. 

I have always noticed Cedric Diggory. Of course I have. Who couldn't notice the boy with no flaws. The Hufflepuff Prince. The only problem was that he has never noticed me. Not once.

Until today.

I got out of the cab at King's Cross station, a regular routine on the first of September. 

I was a little late, due to the fact of last minute packing so I raced through platform nine and three quarters and quickly hopped on the train. The only problem was, where was I going to sit?

I usually found a compartment alone and prayed that no one would join me. No one ever did join me, I'm not sure why. Maybe everyone thought I was weird. I never talked. But it's alright, I liked to be alone.

Today though, was different. Due to my tardiness, every compartment was taken. My only hope was to walk down the ails waiting for someone to maybe invite me. It was a slim chance though. 

Oh no, the train started to move. Where was I going to sit? I couldn't invite myself to a compartment, I would spoil everyone's fun. 

"Lettie!" a shout interrupted my thoughts.

My head quickly jerked to the direction of the voice and my lousy and bland brown eyes met Cedric Diggory's beautiful and shiny ocean filled eyes.

My jaw might've dropped. I didn't notice. Even if I did I wouldn't have been able to close it. Because I was definitely paralyzed. 

"Need a seat?" He flashed a genuine smile. 

"Uh" I stuttered. His smile started to turn into confusion and concerned. 

"Uh sure!" I quickly spat. "Uh if it's not a bother."

He chuckled "Not at all" and then opened the door for me. 

I felt my cheeks grow red as I walked into the compartment, dragging my luggage behind me. 

"Um, thank you." I almost whispered quietly. 

"Of course." He smiled. 

There were two other boys in the compartment who said nothing.

"Er, this is uh James and Phillip." He said awkwardly as they waved. "Oh! And I'm uh Cedric, Cedric Diggory" He smiled. 

Why did he introduce himself? Of course I knew his name. 

"Oh I'm uh Lettie Saladino."

He quickly responded "I know" before James and Phillip started to giggle, poorly trying to hide their laughs. 

In confusion I frowned and looked down at the floor, embarrassed. Was this just a practical joke they were playing on me. 

Cedric cleared his throat. 

"So uh, Lettie. Theres an open spot on the quidditch team this year. Have you thought about trying out?" 

I giggled. I have never been good at any sport, let alone on a broom. 

"I'm not really the athletic type" I said through a smile, still looking down.

"Well you might surprise yourself, quidditch is a lot different than different sports." 

"I would rather spare myself the embarrassment." I replied while looking at Cedric now.

"Oh come on. You can't be that bad. Besides, even if you were, I wouldn't judge" He said while putting on a friendly smile. 

I smiled back.

The rest of the train ride was spent talking about things like the weather, new professors and other various unimportant things. 

As little as it was, it was my best train ride yet and surprisingly, I spent it with other people.

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