My Childhood

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I ran hoping I would't be caught when I took a turn around a tree where three branches decided to whack my face. I only sat for a second before getting back up. I ran full sprint to a willow tree and hid behind the hanging leaves so I could rest.
"Whoosh" wind swept across the ground as if it had been blown by a giant. Then I noticed something the wind had uncovered from the dirt. On all sides of the tree, roots grew on the surface of the ground in shapes that looked like they could be pictures.
I touched the first picture I saw and then green light swirled up and around the root as if the tree had given up it's color. Then the swirls took the form of a picture, well, more like a moving picture. A lady appeared with all green features and a green hand swiftly moving through something on a desk. Then a rat appeared with his white teeth shinning like a half moon in the candle glow. Soon the teeth sank into the lady's arm like a knife going into butter.
The green lights flew together to make a box then zoomed out to the rest of the scene. The lady was in the box being taken somewhere, and I could tell it was a bad place.
The sparks zoomed in on the box again and then expanded to show the new surroundings. The box was in a small room with dozens of other crates surrounded by gray bricks and closed windows. The lady burst out of the box in a white tattered dress. She looked around then lunged at a window, it would't budge. Then she ran to the other one, not a shake. The third and last window she pulled on opened but much to her dismay the outside world was bricked off. She backed up as if she was wondering about something, something she had seen. Then the scene zoomed into a crate in the back of the room. It glowed a bright light from all its cracks and corners, then the sparks flew back into the tree as I noticed my friend run up to me.
He touched my white dress that had been slightly torn in places by the tree branches and shouted" you're it!" But I barely paid any attention because I was making myself a promise. I would look for that lady and no matter what I would warn her of her future.

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