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Kogane carried the rest of his few boxes up to his dorm.

His roommate hadn't arrived yet.

It shouldn't matter very much anyways.

According to the papers, his roommate was a professional volleyball player who's
schedule was busier than his own.

They had separate bedrooms and bathrooms, only really sharing the living and
eating space.

They'd barely see each other on a daily.

But to Kogane it mattered.

After not deciding to go professional with volleyball, he had a lot of questions
for the boy.

Apparently they were the same age too.

Thank the gods for everyone getting papers on there roommates.

Kogane grunts as he kicks open his bedroom door.

It was lightly decorated, plants covering most of the room like weeds.

White covers, white pillows, green here and there.

It fit his aesthetic, simple, more than it fit his personality, energetic.

His thoughts cut off as he hears the front door being freaked open, several
huffs following after.

"That must be him!!" Kogane whisper shouts.

He holds off running into the main room mostly because of the boxes that
still need to be unpacked.

And he figured that his roommate still needed to unpack as well.

Maybe he could meet the male before he started his busy schedule.

Kogane smiled at the thought and went on to opening his last boxes.

Mini plants with faces on the vases.

'I think these are fake....'

He'd figure it out in at least a week if they started dying or not.

Next was a dark green and cream knitted basket his mother made for him, blankets
already packet inside.

He got cold really easily.

Placing the basket beside his bed he once again moved on.

Winky-faces pillows, triangle shaped shelves, more hanging plants, fuzzy rugs, the
lost kept going until he was finally done.

1:30 p.m.

He had only started at twelve so he actually made good time.

Taking a quick look around his cluttered room he felt proud.

Taking a quick look around his cluttered room he felt proud

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Clapping his hands in delight, he left his room to achieve a long awaited goal

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Clapping his hands in delight, he left his room to achieve a long awaited goal.

Saying hello to his roommate.

The 6'4 male slightly ducked under his doorframe back into the living space.

Maybe he was short.

Maybe he was tall.

Maybe his roommate would be super nice, or super mean.

He'd be used to either since he was friends with Tssukishima and Hinata.Although, if he was quiet like Aone, that'd be kinda sad.

'Maybe he has dyed hair like mine.I hope he liked coffeee, we can go on coffee
dates.Wait, didn't Tssuki tell me not to call them dates if I didn't like the person.Whats
that suppose to mean...'

To lost in his own thoughts, he didn't even see the shorter male walking past him
into the kitchen.

Only noticing the change when the blender came to life.


Kogane turns towards the source of sound and sees his roommate, making....

The blender cuts off and the shorter checks inside, dipping a spoon in to check
the consistency.

"Whatcha making" Kogane says loud and clear, afraid that the blender would
cut back on if he didn't speak loud enough.

Apparently, the bowl cut didn't notice Kogane either as he quickly turned around
in shock.

A bright blush takes over the shorter face along with a scowl.


"Kale and spinach" the shorter says, turning on the blender again.

Kogane waits there for two minutes, smile still stuck on his face until the shorter

The shorter is once again startled to turn around and see Kogane still there.

"Why are you just...watching me?"
"What's your name?"Kogane says with a shrug.

The shorter looks like he's contemplating things, which Kogane sees as progress.

"Just call me Goshiki, miracle maker"

Kogane stifles his laugh with his hand.

His efforts weren't secretive enough because Goshiki scrunched his nose up in

over words in need of an insult.

He was so used to fighting with Shirabu things came faster now.

"Why are you the miracle maker" Kogane smiles, laughing finally coming to an end.

Goshiki seems to brighten up at the question, lightly smiling before a scowl once
again covers his features.

'I wish he'd smile longer'

"Why not, I'm the best outside hitter on the team" Goshiki smirks "and you can't
be one of those unless you make miracles happen"

Kogan nods happily and smiles in awe.

Goshiki turned bright red once again and hurriedly checked his watch.

"W-well, I gotta go angry birds, practice calls" Goshiki mumbles, grabbing his bag
that Kogane didn't even notice was there.

"My names Kogane!!!"

And then the door slammed shut as he left.

His heart rate rose.

1 to 2.

And he wouldn't notice until it reached ten.


Not expecting this to get a lot of clout, but I love this ship so why not.I might
as well post one of these stories of my 11 in drafts ¯\_()_/¯.

In this story Goshiki is gonna be a little stoic.I was thinking because he
wants to surpass Ushijima so much that he's started to act like him, but
don't worry it'll get better.

Suggest ships you wanna see next and I can either get started on those,
edit if there already made, or post the prologue.

Toodles noodles ✌︎︎

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