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I managed to go to hayuki'shouse, this is the first time I've ever visited the house of a class mate (maybe if all goes well I could visit Ris's house every time, just thinking of this turns me on). Back to main topic,
????:(knocks on the door several times)
Voice:(a faintly voice)who's there I'm coming just gimme a minute.
(Opens door) ho it's you aren't you that kid from the class (ris said"she was gonna send someone capable of delivering the package she didn't say she was sending a loser, whatever as far as it's out of my hands) did risa sent you she told me someone special was coming.
????: yeah yeah ris risa sent for me (did she called me special ho this is so going well)do you have the package
Hayu: yeah I've got it (coughs)
????: sorry you seem..
Hayu:seem what?
????: tired (he seems beat up I didn't notice earlier did he get into a fight, is that why he couldn't show up today. anyway that's none of my business)
Hayu: yeah really really, just remember what's your name again
Zero: it's zero
Hayu:(what a weird name) just remember zero you didn't get this from me , remember you never saw me (hands over a sealed plastic evelope)
Zero: (take's the envelope )yeah I never saw you goodbye thanks
Hayu: goodbye zee.

I managed to get to the party before it started and gave it to risa
Zero:(hands over the package) here I got it from hayu
Ris:wow!!!! You really did it (quickly grabs the envelope, then used her hands to cross his neck and quickly kissed him on the lips) thanks zee.(what just happened I hoped  nobody  saw  me  kissed  him,but  he  did  bring it  right  maybe he deserved this but just  for  just  this  night)

Zero:(did she just kissed me, what I can't believe This, I wished I had a camera ready just now, but she really got turned on for just a drug, how did they get it anyway, maybe I should ask ,no I should just enjoy this now)

Risa:so zee what happened to hayu
Zero:he seemed pretty tired
Risa: (angrily) that lazy ****

Zero: hehehehe, so risa I kept my promise didn't  I ?

Risa:yes you did zee yes you did.

zero:then can I do This (grabs her waist  her and kissed her )

zero:then can I do This (grabs her waist  her and kissed her )

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Risa:but just for tonight

Zee:(it seems that beer really worked cause that was totally insanely unbelievable)
Zero:I would have said this was the greatest night of my life I got to love the girl I wanted, kissed her have fun with everyone in school.
But despite all that nothing could redeem what will happen next, cause in this world will live in happiness might just be for a while

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