How did things turn out this way?

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A pure white pearl floats on the waves of the shore glittering as the golden rays of the sun are reflected by it.
The pearl carries many stories with it, many memories,
memories of love, trust, happiness as well as dark days of parting, a story of forbidden love, and finally the brutal scene of the murder!
Murder of love, mankind, humanity.
The pearl yet floats to the depths of ocean embracing the shades of blue fluttering and glittering all around it. It finally meets the end, the ocean bed, resting there for centuries.
Waiting for its master to find it and adore herself again with it.
Then comes a day when the pearl is taken away from its loneliness, polishing it to its perfection as it sits in the store decorated as a small pendant.
In comes a couple with a baby girl in their hand gifting the baby the pearl pendant and that's how the pearl meets its master again.
Days passed, then years, and one fine day the pearl is again about to witness the death of its master.
Death for the sake of love.
Yes, death was necessary for its master to be united with her soulmate!
On the topmost terrace of a marvellously huge mansion stand a girl with her back facing the open space.
She stands firm on the intricately carved parapet wearing this pearl, as she hears the melodious voice of her love calling her to be united till infinity.
But suddenly she hears footsteps approaching her, and there stand the man, whom she is engaged to, trying to calm her down, trying to tell her he loves her.
Trying to pull her away from the clutches of death.
She slowly leans back towards the open area, as she closes her eyes, with a tiny smile on her beautiful face. Feeling her body float, she lets go of all the ties she had with this world, only to meet him.
Her soul mate who was waiting for her for about five hundred years!
He smiles at her decision waiting for her to rush towards him and fill her in his arms.
A huge thud on the floor alarms the people around making them gather at that place.
What has happened?
No one knows except that tiny pearl.
This is her story.
Would you like to know what happens next?


Hey good readers!!
Hope you all are safe.
Please comment your views on this first chapter. And stay tuned for the suspense to be revealed!!
Thank you for your attention.

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