What Is This?

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I make my stories written through Fuli's POV a lot. As you probably should've known by now, my favorite Lion Guard character is Fuli. I love Fuli. I adore her. I will get offended by anyone who talks shit about her (depending how insulting it is). I love Fuli, and there is no way or no one who can convince me otherwise. Now you're probably thinking, "Jeez, Kate! Why the hell do you love her so much?" Well I'm so glad you asked. I love Fuli because she was actually the one who got me into the Lion Guard fandom in the first place.

I got a plushie of her on my 11th birthday (I was in 5th grade then) and I liked her, she was basically my little Coraline doll that I keep with me most of the time, mostly when I go to sleep (minus the "made to look exactly like me and lure me through the little door so I can die." Ironically I don't have a little door in my house).
So anyway, one day I looked up Fuli and found her song My Own Way. I listened to it, and I loved it (and that song was always special to me because it was my first Lion Guard song). I later watched clips of Season 1, and I fell in love with Fuli even more. I just love the faces she makes when she's pissed off, her personality, her snarky, kick-ass, no nonsense attitude, and overall, she's the one I can mostly relate too, which is one of the things I try to find in a character. Aside from that, I think she's cute and her design is so unique (I honestly don't get anyone's problem with her design. I think it's beautiful. No, she's not a leopard/jaguar/cheetah hybrid, she's a pure cheetah, well king cheetah technically. She's a cheetah, end of story) and while she can be mean and snappy she's still a good and loyal friend. I honestly think the main reason why I like/watch The Lion Guard is to only see Fuli (preferably when she's either singing, beating the shit out of someone or with Kion :3) 

Now, shipping her with Kion was through fanart and actually seeing them together in the show. It's my OTP, and there is nothing anyone can do to get me to stop shipping them. (But hey, FulixAzaad is kinda cute too, in a way, even though I think my girl can do better than that annoying third-person talking buttface. And at least KionxRani, although not my favorite, was a better love story than Twilight. Sorry, Kasey! XD)

Fuli also gave me a cheetah addiction, where literally the first animal I think of is cheetah. I love cheetahs, my fursona's main form is a cheetah, my female Warrior Cat's OC is named "Cheetah," I google cheetah at least 500 or more times a day (that's an exaggeration but you get the point). 

So you see, to me, Fuli isn't just any favorite Lion Guard character, she's special. And this story is basically one of my many ways to dedicate my love for her. I also recently had the idea of writing some of my favorite episodes through Fuli's POV and it sounded fun, so why not give it a shot.  The whole idea of this is to write out Fuli's development through all 3 seasons only using my favorite episodes, from the headstrong, brash, prideful, snappy cub, to the mature, calm, caring, and just as bad/kick-ass teen.

I do recommend reading Fuli's Story first because I will be referencing back to it. You can say that this takes place after Fuli's Story, but I won't really necessarily call it a "sequel" since this was a last minute idea (well, technically it kinda counts as a sequel, but whatever). More like "A shitpost Lion Guard story by Kate because she has nothing better to do with her miserable, dumb life."

I'll still focus more on DOTS, I just want to try out this idea first before I forget/lose interest in it. 

(Btw, I still have the Fuli plush. I also have Kion, Beshte, and Bunga. Sadly, no Ono.)

The Lion Guard: Fuli's New AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now