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You saw Addison with a guy frome your school called Bryce or something. You looked at her and you guys got eyecontact and she said:

Adddison: Hi
You: ...

You quickly looked away and start skating. You fall and fell someone touched you shoulder. You turn around and saw Addison. She hand out her hand, you hesitated a little but took her hand. When she said:

Addison: I am so sorry for everything i have done.
You: ...
Addison: I should newer have left you for "The bitches", your are the only real friend i ever had!
You: ... me too (you mumbled, but she couled not hear it)
Addison: I know you probably newer is gonna forgive me, but i just wanna say sorry...
You: I... I... forgive you
Addison: Really!
You: Yeah... if you stop hanging out with... you know...
Addison: Anything... do you wanna hang out on Wednesday?
You: Yeah... I... I will love... love to

You skate a little more and then drive to Kate's  dance school, and you guys drive to the hospital and meet with your dad.

Dad: Ready?
You: Yeah... You?
Kate: Yeah, I am ready!

You walked in and saw your mom in her room. She saw you and hug you, you said:

You: Hey mom!
Mom: Hey sweet heart, omg you guys look so beautiful. I have some good news Kate!
Kate: what?
Mom: I am gonna make it to your dance competition!
Kate: Really!
Mom: Yeah.

She hug her and you guys drive home...

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