Savage and Selfish

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So what do y'all think happened after the Princess necklace scene between Tiana and Hakeem? Remember this scene took place during season 5 episode 17.

After Hakeem had given Tiana the fixed "Princess" necklace, she felt warm all over. She has never seen Hakeem this mature and caring. It was like a different side of him that she always wanted to see. She looked for him after her performance, but she couldn't find him. Tiana finally made it home. She went upstairs to find Bella and Prince sound to sleep in their own beds.

Tiana: Thank you so much Emily for standing a little late. I appreciate it. (Writing a check) Here you go. (Hands the check to Emily)

Emily: Thank you Ms. Tiana. And I didn't mind at all. They were perfect angels. (Tiana smiles) Before I leave, there was a delivery for you.

Tiana: A delivery?

Emily: Yes. (Points to the kitchen counter) Those flowers came for you and hour before you came home. Well goodnight Ms. Tiana. (Walking away)

Tiana: Night Emily.

Tiana walked over to the kitchen counter to find a box of two dozen long stem red roses. She opened the box and picked up the card inside. The card read: "It's irreplaceable like you." - Keem. Tiana bite her lip as she read the card. She leaned down and smelled the roses. A small smile formed across her lips. She got a vase and some water and placed the roses in the vase. Tiana picked up the card and carried it upstairs with her.

The Next Day....................

Porsha: What did you call us over here for?

Tiana: Well hey to you too Porsha. I'm doing good. Thank you.

Porsha: Hey bitch. (Walking past Tiana into the house)

Becky: Don't worry about her. (Walking in) Her dick appointment didn't fall through last night so she's a little cranky. (Tiana shuts the door)

They walked into the living room and took a seat while Tiana grabbed three champagne glasses.

Tiana: I called y'all over here because I need help. (Pours champagne then orange juice)

Becky: And what would that be?

Tiana: Well I've been packing up some stuff that Hakeem left here. I just y'all to help me go through my closet and make sure that I got everything.

Porsha: Why are just now packing up Hakeem's stuff?

Tiana: Last week I had started packing some of things that he left. At first I didn't mess with anything cause he use to come over.

Becky: Then why pack his stuff if he still comes over?

Tiana: (hands them a drink) I just felt like it was time to pack up the rest of his stuff.

Porsha: Then why pack up his stuff if you don't have a valid reason. Especially if he still comes over here. Things must be getting serious with you and Devon?

Tiana: Why do you say that?

Becky: Because of that gigantic bouquet on the counter over there.

Tiana: Oh those aren't from him. They're from Hakeem.

Porsha: Then why do all of this if he's doing all of that?

Tiana: I just felt like I should. And I don't even know where me and Devon are going in whatever this is. We're just getting to know each other.

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